Author |
Subject |
Reference |
Summary |
Marked titles link to the actual articles, in the CIRP
reference library
Adler et al. |
(not patient)
satisfaction |
Robert Adler, Sandra Ottaway
and Stacey Gould
Circumcision: We Have Heard From the Experts; Now Let's
Hear From the Parents
PEDIATRICS Vol. 107 No. 2 February 2001, p. e20 |
A survey of parents in Southern California
found poor Hispanic parents of intact babies were worse
informed, felt disrespected and were less satisfied with
their decision than well-off white parents of circumcised
babies. Surprise! |
Almroth, et al |
Male complications
of female genital mutilation |
Lars Almroth, Vanja
Almroth-Berggren, Osman Mahmoud Hassanein, Said SalahEldin
Al-Said, Sharif Siddiq Alamin Hasan, Ulla-Britt Lithell,
Staffan Bergstro
Male complications of female genital mutilation
Social Science & Medicine 53 (2001) 1455–1460 |
Abstract: Female genital mutilation
(FGM) is known to cause a wide range of immediate and
long-term complications for women subjected to the
practice. Male complications due to FGM have, however, not
been described before. The objectives of this study were
to explore male complications and attitudes with regard to
FGM. A village in the Gezira Scheme along the Blue Nile in
Sudan constituted the basis of the study. Interviews were
carried out according to a pretested questionnaire, using
structured questions withopen-answer possibilities.
Married men of the youngest parental generation and
grandfathers were randomly selected from up-to-date
election lists. All respondents except one agreed to be
interviewed. A total of 59 men were interviewed, 29 young
men and 30 grandfathers. Male complications resulting from
FGM, such as difficulty in penetration, wounds/infections
on the penis and psychological problems were described by
a majority of the men. Most men were also aware of the
female complications. More young than old respondents
would have accepted a woman without FGM to become their
daughter-in-law (p50.03). A majority of the young men
would have preferred to marry a woman without FGM. This
proportion was significantly higher than among the
grandfathers (p50.01). Female genital mutilation can no
longer be considered to be only an issue for women. The
acknowledged male complications and attitudes described
may open new possibilities to counteract the practice of
FGM. |
Angulo |
prehistory |
Angulo JC, García-Díez M.
Male genital representation in paleolithic art: erection
and circumcision before history
Urology. 2009 Jul;74(1):10-4. |
OBJECTIVES: To report on the likely existing evidence
about the practice of circumcision in prehistory, or at
least a culture of foreskin retraction, and also the
meaning of erection in Paleolithic minds. The origin of
the ritual of circumcision has been lost in time.
Similarly, the primitive anthropologic meaning of
erection is undefined.
METHODS: We studied the archeologic and artistic
evidence regarding human representations performed
during the Upper Paleolithic period, 38,000 to 11,000
years BCE, in Europe, with a focus on genital male
representations in portable and rock art.
RESULTS: Drawings, engravings, and sculptures
displaying humans are relatively scarce, and <100
examples of male genitals are specifically represented.
Some depict a circumcised penis and other represent
urologic disorders such as phimosis, paraphimosis,
discharge, priapism, or a scrotal mass. In addition, a
small number of phalluses carved in horn, bone, or
stone, with varying morphology, has survived to the
present and also reveals a sustained cult for male
erection and foreskin retraction not limited to a
particular topographical territory. The very few
noncoital human or humanoid figures with marked erection
appear in a context of serious danger or death.
Therefore, erection could be understood as a phenomenon
related to the shamanic transit between life and death.
CONCLUSIONS: The erection in Paleolithic art is
explicitly represented in almost all the figures defined
as unequivocally male that have survived to the present
and in many objects of portable art. Circumcision and/or
foreskin retraction of the penis are present in most of
the works.
Assman, et al. |
Assmann T, Becker-Wegerich P, Grewe M,
Megahed M, Ruzicka T.
Tacrolimus ointment for the treatment of vulvar lichen
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Jun;48(6):935-7 |
These doctors in Düsseldorf, Germany found
that six weeks of treatment with tacrolimus ointment 0.1%
(Protopic) twice daily, resolved signs and symptoms of
lichen sclerosus in a 71 year old woman. Topical
tacrolimus does not induce skin atrophy, unlike topical
PMID: 12789187 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Babu |
ballooning |
Babu R, Harrison SK, Hutton KA.
Ballooning of the
foreskin and physiological phimosis: is there any
objective evidence of obstructed voiding?
BJU Int. 2004 Aug;94(3):384-7 |
Physiological phimosis with or without
ballooning of the prepuce is not associated with
noninvasive objective measures of obstructed voiding. |
Beaugé |
phimosis |
Beaugé M.
Conservative Treatment of Primary Phimosis in Adolescents
[Traitment Médical du Phimosis Congénital de L'Adolescent]
Saint-Antoine University, Paris VI, 1990-1991 |
This French doctor has devised some self-stretching
exercises - which also give pleasure.
"We can be happy that manipulation of the tissues allows
the avoidance of surgical intervention, and in other
circumstances the limitation of the problems when surgery
has unfortunately occurred." |
Beaugé M.
The Causes of Adolescent Phimosis
British Journal of Sexual Medicine, September/October 1997 |
In this article, based on 300 cases, he
argues that a major cause of phimosis in adolescents is if
they do not retract their foreskins when masturbating. He
prescribes the appropriate change in technique, which
generally results in success within three weeks. |
Bell |
anthropology |
Kirsten Bell
Genital Cutting andWestern Discourses on Sexuality
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp.
125–148 |
Don't be put off by the post-modern
"discourse", this important article is in plain English.
It analyses the failure of people in circumcising cultures
to make the link between FGM and MGM in terms of our
construction of gender.
Abstract: This article explores dominant
discourses surrounding male and female genital cutting.
Over a similar period of time, these genital operations
have separately been subjected to scrutiny and
criticism. However, although critiques of female
circumcision have been widely taken up, general public
opinion toward male circumcision remains indifferent.
This difference cannot merely be explained by the
natural attributes and effects of these practices.
Rather, attitudes toward genital cutting reflect
historically and culturally specific understandings of
the human body. In particular, I suggest that certain
problematic understandings of male and female sexuality
are deeply implicated in the dominant Western discourses
on genital surgery. |
Berdeu et al. |
phimosis |
D. Berdeu, L. Sauze, P. Ha-Vinh and C.
of treatments for phimosis: a comparison of surgical and
medicinal approaches and their economic effect
BJU International 87 (3), 239-244
(February 2001) |
"Conclusion As topical pharmacological treatment
avoids the disadvantages, trauma and potential
complications of penile surgery, including
anaesthesia-related risks, the use of topical steroids
as a primary treatment appears to be justified in boys
with clinically verifiable phimosis. This treatment
could reduce costs by 75%, which represents a potential
annual saving of F 150 million."
Birley |
balanitis |
Birley HDL, Walker MM, Luzzi GA, Bell R,
Taylor-Robinson D, Byrne M, Renton AM.
Clinical Features and Management of Recurrent Balanitis;
Association with Atopy and Genital Washing.
Genitourin Med. 1993; 69:400-403. |
Birley and colleagues found that balanitis
was associated with more frequent daily washing of the
genitals with soap and could be managed by restriction of
washing. |
Blalock |
phimosis |
Blalock HJ, Vemulakonda V, Ritchey ML,
Ribbeck M.
of Phimosis Following Newborn Circumcision
J Urol 2003 Jun;169(6):2332-2334 |
METHODS: A total of 521 pediatric patients
underwent Gomco circumcision while under local anesthesia
at our outpatient clinic between 1994 and 1999. Phimosis
was noted in 15 patients (2.9%), and an additional 13
patients were referred to our clinic with phimosis after
undergoing circumcision elsewhere. ...
RESULTS: Three patients had recurrence of the phimosis.
... Ten of the patients had obvious poor penile skin
attachment with concealment of the penis even after
resolution of the phimosis. Phimosis occurred more
frequently in older patients undergoing circumcision -
15 patients were older than 1 month at circumcision. ...
CONCLUSIONS Phimosis with a trapped penis is an
infrequent but important complication of circumcision.
This condition is more likely to occur in older infants
and those with poor attachment of the penile skin to the
shaft. [This "poor attachment"
is blaming the victim. Penile skin is not attached
to the shaft in the intact male, but glides freely
over it.] Early recognition allows
outpatient treatment with excellent results, avoiding
operative intervention with general anesthesia. [Leaving
the baby intact would avoid the problem - one of the
claimed reasons for circumcision - entirely.]
PMID: 12771793 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Bollinger |
psychology |
Bollinger, D., Van Howe, R. S
Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary
J Sex Med, 14 Apr 2011 |
This preliminary study investigates what role early
trauma might have in alexithymia
acquisition for adults by controlling for male
circumcision. Three hundred self-selected men were
administered the Toronto Twenty-Item Alexithymia Scale
checklist and a personal history questionnaire. The
circumcised men had age-adjusted alexithymia scores 19.9
percent higher than the intact men; were 1.57 times more
likely to have high alexithymia scores; were 2.30 times
less likely to have low alexithymia scores; had higher
prevalence of two of the three alexithymia factors
(difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty
describing feelings); and were 4.53 times more likely to
use an erectile dysfunction drug. Alexithymia in this
population of adult men is statistically significant for
having experienced circumcision trauma and for erectile
dysfunction drug use.
Well-known genital-cutting advocates Brian Morris and
Jake Waskett (who claims to advocate only "parental
choice"- negating the penis-owner's choice) have predictibly criticised the study,
and Bollinger and Van Howe have replied.
Boyle et al. |
psychology |
Gregory J. Boyle (Bond Univeristy,
Australia), Ronald Goldman, J. Steven Svoboda and Ephrem
Circumcision: Pain, Trauma, and Psychosexual Sequelae
Journal of Health Psychology, May 2002, Vol 7 (No. 3), pp.
329-343 |
Believed to be the first academic article
to be published which focuses on surveying the
psychological harm caused by circumcision.
Infant male circumcision continues despite growing
questions about its medical justification. As usually
performed without analgesia or anaesthetic, circumcision
is observably painful. It is likely that genital cutting
has physical, sexual and psychological consequences too.
Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a
range of negative emotions and even post- traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised men have described their
current feelings in the language of violation, torture,
mutilation and sexual assault. In view of the acute as
well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal
liabilities that might arise, it is timely for health
professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence on
this issue and participate in the debate about the
advisability of this surgical procedure on unconsenting
minors. |
Boyle and Hill |
Gregory J Boyle and George Hill
Sub-Saharan African randomised clinical trials into mail
circumcision and HIV transmission: Methodological, ethical
and legal concerns
Journal of Law and Medicine
(Australia), December 2011 [(2011) 19 JLM 316] |
In 2007, WHO/UNAIDS recommended mail circumcision as an
HIV-prevention measure based on three sub-Saharan
African randomised clinical trials (RCTs) into
female-to-male sexual transmsission. A related RCT
investigated male-to-female transmission. However, the
trials were compromised by inadequate equipoise;
selection bias; inadequate blinding; problematic
randomisation; trials stropped early with exaggerated
treatment effects; and not investigating non-sexual
transmission. Several questions remain unanswered. Why
were the trials carried out in countries where more
intact men were HIV-positive than in those where more
circumcised men were HIV-positive? Why were men sampled
from specific ethnic subgroups? Where were so many
participants lost to follow-up? Why did men in the male
circumcision group receive additional counselling on
safe sex practices? While the absolute reduction
associated with male circumcision across the three
female-to-male trials was only about 1.3%, relative
reduction was reported as 60%, but, after correction for
lead-time bias, averaged 49%. In the Kenyan trial, male
circumcision appears to have been associated with four
new incident infections. In the Ugandan male-to-female
trial, there appears to have been a 61% relative
increase in HIV infection among female partners of
HIV-positive circumcised men. Since male circumcision
diverts resources from known preventive measures and
increases risk-taking behaviours, any long-term benefit
in reducing HIV transmission remains uncertain.
Brady-Fryer |
pain |
Brady-Fryer B, Wiebe N, Lander
Pain relief for neonatal circumcision
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 Oct 18;(4):CD004217 |
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this
review was to assess the effectiveness and safety of
interventions for reducing pain at neonatal circumcision.
REVIEWERS' CONCLUSIONS: DPNB [dorsal penile nerve
block] was the most frequently studied intervention and
was the most effective for circumcision pain. Compared to
placebo, EMLA [eutectic mixture of analgesics] was also
effective, but was not as effective as DPNB. Both
interventions appear to be safe for use in newborns. None of the studied interventions
completely eliminated the pain response to circumcision.
Broxmeyer |
smegma |
Lawrence Broxmeyer, Danuta
Sosnowska, Elizabeth Miltner et al.
Killing of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium
tuberculosis by a Mycobacteriophage Delivered by a
Nonvirulent Mycobacterium: A Model for Phage Therapy of
Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002;186:1155-1160 |
This suggests that a bacteriophage found in
the "relatively benign" smegma
bacterium is effective against tuberculosis.
Abstract: Mycobacterium avium causes
disseminated infection in patients with acquired immune
deficieny syndrome. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
is a pathogen associated with the deaths of millions of
people worldwide annually. Effective therapeutic
regimens exist that are limited by the emergence of drug
resistance and the inability of antibiotics to kill
dormant organisms. The present study describes a system
using Mycobacterium smegmatis, an avirulent
mycobacterium, to deliver the lytic phage TM4 where both
M. avium and M. tuberculosis reside
within macrophages. These results showed that treatment
of M. avium infected, as well as M.
tuberculosis infected, RAW 264.7 macrophages,
with M. smegmatis transiently infected with TM4,
resulted in a significant time- and titer-dependent
reduction in the number of viable intracellular bacilli.
In addition, the M. smegmatis vacuole harboring
TM4 fuses with the M. avium vacuole in
macrophages. These results suggest a potentially novel
concept to kill intracellular pathogenic bacteria and
warrant future development.
Canning |
ethics, law |
Canning DA
Informed consent for neonatal circumcision: an ethical and
legal conundrum
J Urol 2002 Oct 168(4 Pt 1): p. 1650-1 |
An editorial comment on Svoboda
et al.'s paper, it puts doctors and parents on
notice that their ethical and legal right to circumcise
will be challenged:
"The authors carefully make the argument that
circumcision, in the absence of a medical indication,
may be unwise and may actually be illegal.
..."If circumcision becomes less commonly performed in
North America, the legal system may no longer be able to
ignore the conflict between the practice of circumcision
and the legal and ethical duties of medical specialists.
This document is worth a read by all of us who perform
newborn circumcision."
The Journal
Urology is the official journal of the American
Urological Association. This editorial comment seems to
be a quasi-official warning to urologists.
Carpenter |
FGC vs MGC, media |
Laura M. Carpenter & Heather Hensman
Pleasure, (In)destructible Desire: Sexual Themes in U.S.
and English News Coverage of Male Circumcision and
Female Genital Cutting
The Journal of Sex Research, 52:8, 841-856,
DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2014.950720 |
Abstract: Under what conditions do
sexual pleasure and desire get addressed in news coverage
of sexual health issues like female genital cutting (FGC)
and male circumcision (MC)? In this study we employed an
embodied ethnosexuality approach to analyze sexual themes
in 1,902 items published from 1985 to 2009 in 13 U.S. and
8 English newspapers and news magazines. Journalists’
discussions of sexual pleasure, desire, control, problems,
and practices differed in quantity and quality depending
on the practice and nation to which they pertained. News
coverage in both nations presented FGC as impeding female
sexual pleasure, desire, and activity in ways that
reinforce (hetero)sexist understandings of sexuality. The English press depicted MC as
diminishing male sexuality, whereas U.S. papers showed
it as enhancing male sexuality. These patterns
are influenced by, and serve to reinforce, cultural norms
of embodiment and ethnosexual boundaries based on gender,
race, and nationality. They may, in turn, shape public
understandings of FGC and MC as social problems.
This article is valuable is exposing the
bias towards male genital cutting in US media.
Astonishingly, the authors fail to see their own
bias in choosing their terminology: "Recognizing that the
terms people use for these practices imply particular
positions, we employ what appear to be the least
value-laden—FGC and MC—and use the abbreviation ‘‘MC’’ to
make the terms more parallel. The term MGM is used chiefly
by anti-MC activists; some anti-FGC activists prefer the
term FGM while others prefer FC, a term also used by
practice proponents." (p843f)
"MC" is also used by practise proponents, and the
option of "MGC" does not seem to have occured to them.
They also assume the distored media reportage of the Laumann
findings about MGC and sexual practice, rather than what
the study actually finds.
Christakis et al. |
complications |
Dimitri A. Christakis, Eric Harvey, Danielle M. Zerr,
Chris Feudtner, Jeffrey A. Wright and Frederick A.
A Trade-off Analysis of Routine Newborn Circumcision
PEDIATRICS Vol. 105 No. 1 Supplement January 2000, pp.
... This study attempted to determine the
population-based rate of complications of newborn
circumcision and to estimate the number needed to treat
(NNT) based on this rate. The NNT is calculated from the
reciprocal of the absolute risk reduction, that is, the
number of children who would need to be circumcised to
prevent one undesirable outcome. The number needed to
harm (NNH), based on the absolute difference in
complication rates between treatment and control groups,
also was estimated. Finally, an attempt was made to
establish the trade-off between complications and
reported benefits from circumcision. Routine
circumcisions done in Washington state in the years 1987
to 1996 were reviewed, excluding infants having other
Circumcision was performed in 130,475 infants,
representing 37 percent of [352,635]
male births in the period under review. Complications
occurred in 0.2 percent of circumcised infants [or
infants] and 0.01 percent of [222,160]
uncircumcised infants [or 22
infants, but how could any "uncircumcised"
infants have complications of circumcision?].
Circumcised infants with any complication had
significantly longer newborn stays than those without
complications, but the only complication associated with
a prolonged stay was "suture penile laceration." NNH
[number Needed to Harm] estimates showed that some
complication can be expected in 1 of every 476
circumcised children. Estimating the NNT [Number Needed
to Treat] versus NNH trade-offs showed that 1.14
immediate circumcision-related complications are
expected for every six urinary tract infections
prevented and 1.9 are expected for every case of penile
cancer prevented. [i.e.
circumcising does more harm than good.]
The investigators believe that routine circumcision of
newborn infants is relatively safe but not risk free.
Some parents may be more impressed by the risk than by
the potential benefits of circumcision, but in any case,
viewing circumcision in terms of trade-offs should help
parents make an informed decision.
Christakis et al. did not include
complications that did not require medical treatment,
such as unaesthetic outcomes, complications that
appear many months or years later, like meatal
stenosis, or complications that can be ignored until
puberty, like removal of too much penile skin. These
swing the balance right against infant circumcision,
and even more when you attach any value (as Christakis
et al. do not) to the possession of an intact
Christianakis |
phimosis |
Christianakis E.
with wound healing by second intention: An alternative
surgical approach in children's phimosis treatment.
BMC Urol. 2008 Mar 4;8(1):6 |
BACKGROUND: A new technique for the treatment of
childrens phimosis is presented that minimizes the
repairing time, the postoperative complications and
maintains the physical foreskin appearance intact.
METHODS: Eightyseven children with phimosis were treated
with this new developed technique, between 2003 and
2005. Sutureless prepuceplasty creates a permanent
surgical extension of the close prepuce. Stretching and
retraction of phimotic foreskin reveals a tight prepuce
ring that is cutting in its dorsal surface
longitudinally. Rarely triple symmetric incisions in the
preputial outlet are necessary. The foreskin is loose
and moves in bilateral courses absolutely free. The
wounds are healing by second intention. Antisepsis,
steroids and Elicina cream, (which contains allantoin,
collagen, elastin, glycolic acid and vitamins A, D, and
E) should apply daily, for twenty to thirty days.
RESULTS: The foreskin is moving in centripetal or
efferent courses absolutely loosely, painless and
bloodless. Mean time of follow-up was 27 months (one to
four years). No complications were observed.
CONCLUSIONS: Sutureless prepuceplasty may present an
acceptable alternative in children's phimosis
PMID: 18318903 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Cold and Taylor |
anatomy |
C.J. Cold and J.R. Taylor
British Journal of Urology,
Volume 83, Suppl. 1: Pages 34-44,
January 1999 |
A comprehensive survey of the anatomy,
physiology and innervation of the prepuce, both female and
male (foreskin). Using figures from Øster,
it shows clearly that the foreskin is still attached to
the glans in 50% of boys aged 10, in 10% of youths aged
15, so that efforts to separate it at an early age are
The prepuce is an integral, normal part of the external
genitalia that forms the anatomical covering of the glans
penis and clitoris. The outer epithelium has the
protective function of internalising the glans (clitoris
and penis), urethral meatus (in the male) and the inner
preputial epithelium, thus decreasing external irritation
or contamination. The prepuce is a specialized, junctional
mucocutaneous tissue which marks the boundary between
mucosa and skin; it is similar to the eyelids, labia
minora, anus and lips. The male prepuce also provides
adequate mucosa and skin to cover the entire penis during
erection. The unique innervation of the prepuce
establishes its function as an erogenous tissue ... |
Connolly et al. |
C.A. Connolly, O. Shisana, L.
Simbayi, M. Colvin
HIV and circumcision in South Africa
Conference on HIV/AIDS, Bankok, 2004
[MoPeC3491] |
Background: HIV infection remains highly prevalent
in South Africa. Male circumcision has been shown to be
protective for the acquisition of HIV in other African
countries. It is important to determine if this
association is evident in South Africa.
Methods: A cross-sectional, national
household-based survey was conducted using
second-generation surveillance procedures, weighted data
adjusted for sample design was used. A total of 2585 males
over the age of 15 were administered questionnaires and
provided specimens for HIV testing. Results: Circumcision
was reported by 916 (35.4%) of male participants. HIV
prevalence among circumcised males was 10.7% and among
uncircumcised males was 12.1%, p = 0.9. Blacks were less
likely to be circumcised (28.8%) compared to other racial
groups, 42.6%, p = 0.002. When the data was stratified by
racial group, circumcised Blacks
showed similar rates of HIV as uncircumcised Blacks,
(OR: 0.8, p = 0.4) however other racial groups showed a
strong protective effect [or
rather, a negative correlation], (OR: 0.3,
p = 0.01). The age of circumcision differed by racial
group. Among Blacks, 37% were circumcised above the age of
12 compared to 6% among other racial groups. When the data
are further stratified by age of circumcision, there is a
slight protective effect between early circumcision and
HIV among Blacks, OR: 0.7, p = 0.4.
Conclusion: In general, circumcision
offers slight protection. The effect is much
stronger in other racial groups than in blacks. [Yet
it is among Black men that the circumcisionists are
proposting to promote their favourite operation.]
This racial difference cannot be explained by age of
circumcision. |
Darby |
history |
Rob Darby
Sexuality: Lallemand, Spermatorrhea, and the Rise of
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
2005 60(3):283-319 |
Abstract: Although spermatorrhea
as a disease entity and an episode in nineteenth-century
medical history has received significant scholarly
attention over the past decade, many aspects of its
nature, origins, and consequences remain obscure. The aim
of this article is to indicate its origins in and links
with medical anxiety about masturbation and to discuss the
therapies devised to treat the condition. Particular
attention is given to the work of Claude-François
Lallemand and his influence on English doctors, especially
William Acton, and the implications of their
identification of the foreskin as the major risk factor
for childhood masturbation and later spermatorrhea. It is
further argued that fear of spermatorrhea was an important
factor in the acceptance of circumcision as a valid
medical intervention in the late nineteenth century. |
sexuality |
Robert J L Darby
Medical history and medical practice: persistent myths
about the foreskin
178 (4): 178-179 |
Abstract: Although many 19th-century
misconceptions about the foreskin have been dispelled
since it was shown that infantile phimosis
was not an abnormality, the ideas that ritual or religious
circumcision arose as a hygiene measure, and that
circumcision makes no difference to sexual
response, have persisted. The first idea should be
dismissed as a myth and the second has been seriously
questioned by modern research. |
Dickson, et al. |
STIs |
N. P. Dickson, T. van Roode ,
P. Herbison, C. Paul.
risk of sexually transmitted infections in a birth
J Pediatr. 2008 Mar;152(3):383-7. Epub 2007 Oct 22. |
OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of early childhood
circumcision on sexually transmitted infection (STI)
acquisition to age 32 years.
STUDY DESIGN: The circumcision status of a cohort of
children born in 1972 and 1973 in Dunedin, New Zealand
was sought at age 3 years. Information about STIs was
obtained at ages 21, 26, and 32 years. The incidence
rates of STI acquisition were calculated, taking into
account timing of first sex, and comparisons were made
between the circumcised men and uncircumcised men.
Adjustments were made for potential socioeconomic and
sexual behavior confounding factors where appropriate.
RESULTS: Of the 499 men studied, 201 (40.3%) had been
circumcised by age 3 years. The circumcised and
uncircumcised groups differed little in socioeconomic
characteristics and sexual behavior. Overall, up to age
32 years, the incidence rates for all STIs were not
statistically significantly different - 23.4 and 24.4
per 1000 person-years for the uncircumcised and
circumcised men, respectively. This was not affected by
adjusting for any of the socioeconomic or sexual
behavior characteristics.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings are
consistent with recent population-based
cross-sectional studies in developed countries
[unlike the
publicised Fergusson study], which
found that early childhood
circumcision does not markedly reduce the risk of the
common STIs in the general population in such
Dinh |
keratinisation |
Dinh MH, McRaven MD, Kelley Z,
Penugonda S, Hope TJ.
Keratinization of the adult male foreskin and implications
for male circumcision
2010 Jan 21. [Epub ahead of print] |
OBJECTIVE:: The theory that a more thinly
keratinized inner foreskin leads to increased HIV-1
susceptibility has been based on relatively little
published data. We sought to quantify the keratin
thicknesses of the inner and outer foreskin to determine
the plausibility of this hypothesis.
DESIGN:: We took repeated measurements of the
keratin layer of 16 adult male foreskins to determine
whether differences existed between the inner and outer
METHODS:: Adult foreskins were collected from
consenting donors undergoing elective male circumcision
for unknown medical indications in Chicago, Illinois,
USA. Specimens were processed, sectioned and stained for
keratin using antifilaggrin fluorescent antibodies.
Slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin were used as
controls and compared with results from previously
published studies using this method. Keratin layers were
measured in a standardized fashion for each specimen.
RESULTS:: Comparing our fluorescence-based
analysis with previously published immunohistochemical
methods revealed that our method was highly accurate for
measuring foreskin keratin thickness. There was
significant heterogeneity in the keratin thickness of
the inner and outer aspects of the male foreskin within
and between the different donors. There
was no significant difference between the inner and
outer foreskin keratin thickness (25.37 +/-
12.51 and 20.54 +/- 12.51 mum, respectively; P = 0.451).
CONCLUSION:: We found no difference between the
keratinization of the inner and outer aspects of the
adult male foreskin. Keratin layers alone are unlikely
to explain why uncircumcised men are at higher risk for
HIV infection.
[With a larger sample size, Qin et al.
found inner foreskin to be thicker than
Dowsett |
Gary W Dowsett, Murray Couch
Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention: Is There Really
Enough of the Right Kind of Evidence?
Reproductive Health Matters 2007;15(29):33–44 |
From the conclusion:
"We believe we need to know much more about male
circumcision for HIV prevention before adopting it as a
population health measure. The WHO/UNAIDS Statement is
cautious in noting the existence of caveats and gaps,
but it argues that it is time to go ahead. We would
argue that there is still much work to do before
national authorities and the global HIV/AIDS community
can feel confident about proceeding."
phimosis |
Dunn HP.
Non-surgical management of phimosis.
Aust N Z J Surg 1989;59(12):963. |
A 22 year old man in a Royal New Zealand Navy cruiser
during World War II complained of penile pain and
discharge ... his problem was ... phimosis with
recurrent balanitis.... The patient reported to the Sick
Bay daily and for 2-3 min. the preputial orifice was put
on stretch with a small artery forceps. ... For a week
no obvious improvement was noted but then the resistance
at the margin of the orifice was suddenly overcome and
by the end of the second week its diameter had increased
to about 2.5 cm. ... With daily washing the balanitis
soon cleared up.
Fergusson (1988)
general |
Fergusson, D.M., Lawton, J.M. and Shannon,
and Penile Problems: An 8-Year Longitudianl Study
Pediatrics Vol. 81 No 4, April 1988, pp 537-541 |
This long-term cohort study seemed to show
a marginal benefit of circumcision.
Abstract: The prevalence of penile problems
was examined in a birth cohort of more than 500 New
Zealand children studied from birth to 8 years of age.
By 8 years, circumcised children had a rate of 11.1
problems per 100 children, and uncircumcised children
had a rate of 18.8 per 100. The majority of these
problems were for penile inflammation including
balanitis, meatitis, and inflammation of the prepuce.
However, the relationship between risks of penile
problems and circumcision status varied with the
child's age. During infancy, circumcised children had
a significantly higher risk of problems than
uncircumcised children, but after infancy the rate of
penile problems was significantly higher among the
uncircumcised. These associations were not changed
when the results were adjusted statistically for the
effects of a series of potentially confounding social
and perinatal factors.
But boys left intact at birth were counted as intact
throughout, and problems of delayed circumcisions counted
as problems of intactness. Three percent of the "intact"
cohort suffered "postcircumcision infection". |
Fish |
Africa |
Fish, Max, Shahvisi A, Gwaambuka T, Tangwa G B,
Ncaylyana D, Earp B D.
A new Tuskegee? Unethical human experimentation and
Western neocolonialism in the mass circumcision of
African men
Developing World Bioethics, Wiley Online Library
September 9, 2020
Campaigns to circumcise millions of boys and men to
reduce HIV transmission are being conducted throughout
eastern and southern Africa, recommended by the World
Health Organization and implemented by the United States
government and Western NGOs. In the United States,
proposals to mass?circumcise African and African
American men are longstanding, and have historically
relied on racist beliefs and stereotypes. The present
campaigns were started in haste, without adequate
contextual research, and the manner in which they have
been carried out implies troubling assumptions about
culture, health, and sexuality in Africa, as well as a
failure to properly consider the economic determinants
of HIV prevalence. This critical appraisal examines the
history and politics of these circumcision campaigns
while highlighting the relevance of race and
colonialism. It argues that the “circumcision solution”
to African HIV epidemics has more to do with cultural
imperialism than with sound health policy, and concludes
that African communities need a means of robust
representation within the regime.
An excellent article, well worth reading.
& Rauchenwald |
phimosis |
Ch. Fischer-Klein and M. Rauchenwald
Triple incision to treat phimosis in children: an
alternative to circumcision?
BJU International Volume 92 Issue 4 September 2003 p459 |
A survey of 197 boys (3 months - 18yrs)
treated for phimosis with triple incision instead of
circumcision. Satisfaction with the result was high. Of
128 parents or older children responding, 108 (84%) were
satisfied with the function and 102 (80%) reported a good
cosmetic outcome. 119 (93%) would recommend it to other
parents. Doctors found excellent functional and cosmetic
outcome in 71 (77%).
The surgeons still appear to be scalpel-happy: they
operated to please parents who wanted a quick result when
spontaneous resolution is the norm - if the boys had true
phimosis at all. |
Fleiss |
penile cancer
Fleiss, Paul M and Frederick Hodges, Neonatal
Does Not Protect Against Cancer (letter),
British Medical Journal, (London) Vol. 312 no 7033 (March
23, 1996): pp. 779-780 |

Dr Paul
Fleiss |
P M Fleiss, F M Hodges, R S Van Howe Immunological
of the human prepuce,
Sexually Transmitted Infections (London), Vol. 74 No. 5,
Pages 364-367. October 1998.
Fox |
ethics |
M. Fox and M. Thomson
A covenant with the status quo? Male circumcision and the
new BMA guidance to doctors
J Med Eth. 2005; 31(8):463-9 |
This article offers a critique of the recently revised BMA
guidance on routine neonatal male circumcision and seeks
to challenge the assumptions underpinning the guidance
which construe this procedure as a matter of parental
choice. Our aim is to problematise continued professional
willingness to tolerate the non-therapeutic,
non-consensual excision of healthy tissue, arguing that in
this context both professional guidance and law are
uncharacteristically tolerant of risks inflicted on young
children, given the absence of clear medical benefits. By
interrogating historical medical explanations for this
practice, which continue to surface in contemporary
justifications of non-consensual male circumcision, we
demonstrate how circumcision has long existed as a
procedure in need of a justification. We conclude that it
is ethically inappropriate to subject children - male or
female - to the acknowledged risks of circumcision and
contend that there is no compelling legal authority for
the common view that male circumcision is lawful. |
HIV policy |
Marie Fox and Michael Thomson
HIV/AIDS and circumcision: lost in translation
J Med Ethics 2010;36:798-801
doi:10.1136/jme.2010.038695 |
In April 2009 a Cochrane review was published assessing
the effectiveness of male circumcision in preventing
acquisition of HIV. It concluded that there was strong
evidence that male circumcision, performed in a medical
setting, reduces the acquisition of HIV by men engaging
in heterosexual sex. Yet, importantly, the review noted
that further research was required to assess the
feasibility, desirability and cost-effectiveness of
implementation within local contexts. This paper
endorses the need for such research and suggests that,
in its absence, it is premature to promote circumcision
as a reliable strategy for combating HIV. Since articles
in leading medical journals as well as the popular press
continue to do so, scientific researchers should think
carefully about how their conclusions may be translated
both to policy makers and to a more general audience.
The importance of addressing ethico-legal concerns that
such trials may raise is highlighted. The understandable
haste to find a solution to the HIV pandemic means that
the promise offered by preliminary and specific research
studies may be overstated. This may mean that ethical
concerns are marginalised. Such haste may also obscure
the need to be attentive to local cultural
sensitivities, which vary from one African region to
another, in formulating policy concerning circumcision.
Frisch |
general |
Morten Frisch &Brian D. Earp, Circumcision of male infants and
children as a public health measure in developed
countries: A critical assessment of recent evidence
Global Public Health, May 19, 2016
In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the
United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal
recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance
with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ circumcision
policy from 2012 – but in contrast to the more recent 2015
policy from the Canadian Paediatric Society as well as
prior policies (still in force) from medical associations
in Europe and Australasia – the CDC suggested that the
benefits of the surgery outweigh the risks. In this
article, we provide a brief scientific and conceptual
analysis of the CDC’s assessment of benefit versus risk,
and argue that it deserves a closer look. Although we set
aside the burgeoning bioethical debate surrounding the
moral permissibility of performing non-therapeutic
circumcisions on healthy minors, we argue that, from a
scientific and medical perspective, current evidence
suggests that such circumcision is not an appropriate
public health measure for developed countries such as the
United States. |
Gairdner |
general |
Gairdner, D., The
Of The Foreskin, A Study Of Circumcision,
British Medical Journal, Dec. 24, 1949, Volume 2,
1433-1437 |
This landmark paper was a nail in the
coffin of circumcision in the UK. Especially convincing
was the high death-rate. |
Geisheker |
law, ethics |
John V. Geisheker
The Completely Unregulated Practice of Male Circumcision:
Human Rights’ Abuse Enshrined in Law?
New Male Studies Journal 2:1 2013 |
The sheer antiquity of “ritual” circumcision (and now
after 140 years, Anglophone medicalized, male
circumcision) has allowed it to escape legal scrutiny,
though there is much musing in the academic literature.
Without legal incentive or bioethical rigor, medical
authorities have created - indeed, established by
conscious omission – a regulatory vacuum which suits
their needs.
Anglo-American law and bioethics has simply failed to
consider the human rights of infant boys. Little
attention has been paid to the lifetime physical effects
imposed by a religion the boy hasn’t yet chosen– or the
losses incurred to humor an adult, secular, cosmetic,
whim born of anti-sexual instincts, one which
fee-for-service medical practitioners have nurtured for
By contrast, the U.S. federal law forbidding even the
mildest, even merely symbolic, female genital cutting,
expressly disavowed any exception for ritual motivation
or “custom.” ...
A gender-neutral law, forbidding the genital cutting of
minors, could equally have noted that male circumcision
is also a “custom,” especially in the U.S. There has
been no successful challenge, however, to the U.S.
federal anti-FGM law on either Free Exercise or Equal
Protection grounds, nor, I suspect, is there likely to
be one any time soon.
Hundreds of years of cutting the genitals of boys is
not easy to challenge – or even to question, it seems –
despite glaring, minimal, institutional protections for
the boy’s safety, or observance of his fundamental human
right to bodily integrity. Recent laws that “enshrine”
male circumcision, and forbid inquiry into safety
regulation, are worse – a huge step backwards for the
historical rights of boys.
Gianetti |
law |
Matthew R. Giannetti
the American Academy of Pediatrics: Should
Scientific Misconduct Result in Trade Association
IOWA LAW REVIEW, Vol 85, No 4, pp 1507-1568, May 2000 |
This law student at University of Iowa
argues in detail that it should:
"The 1999 Task Force on
Circumcision policy statement ... has flaws and may
... be culpable for failing to adhere to the generally
accepted scientific and professional preference for
valuing methodology in assessing the soundness of existing
information. The responsible course of action for the AAP
would be to admit that the evidence does not now support,
and never has supported the continued routine performing
of circumcision on infant males." |
Goertzel |
statistics |
Goertzel, Ted
Myths of Murder and Multiple Regression
Skeptical Inquirer, Vol 26, No. 1, January/February 2002 |
Using claims of statistical proof that the
death penalty reduces murder rates, licencing of concealed
weapons reduces murders, and abortion reduces crime,
argues that
"When presented with an econometric model,
consumers should insist on evidence that it can predict
trends in data other than the data used to create it.
Models that fail this test are junk science, no matter how
complex the analysis."
His argument is equally applicable to claims
that circumcision prevents urinary tract infections or
HIV. |
Gorgala |
balanitis |
Georgala S, Gregoriou S,
Georgala C, Papaioannou D, Befon A, Kalogeromitros D,
Rigopoulos D
cream in non-specific inflammatory recurrent balanitis
Dermatology. 2007;215(3):209-12 |
BACKGROUND: Non-specific balanitis is a
common inflammatory dermatosis with frequent relapses and
considerable impact on male sexual life.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of
pimecrolimus 1% cream in recurrent non-specific balanitis.
METHODS: Twenty-six patients with recurrent flares of
non-specific balanitis were randomly assigned to 1 group
applying pimecrolimus cream 1% and 1 group applying
placebo on the glans twice daily for 7 days. The patients
were assessed on day 14. They were instructed to continue
applying the agent whenever symptoms initialized for the
following 90 days and take account of the cumulative days
with symptoms. Results: Seven out of the 11 (63.6%)
patients in the pimecrolimus group and 1 out of 11 (9%) in
the control group were free of all symptoms and lesions
after 14 days, 3 (27.3%) in both groups reported
improvement, while 1 (9.1%) in the pimecrolimus and 7
(63.6%) in the control group remained unaffected. (chi(2)
= 9.0, d.f. = 2, p = 0.011). Days with symptoms during the
90-day follow-up period were 7.50 +/- 3.02 for the
pimecrolimus and 17.62 +/- 4.40 for the control group (p =
CONCLUSIONS: Pimecrolimus 1% cream is promising in
relieving symptoms and signs of non-specific balanitis
during flares and controlling the disease during long-term
PMID: 17823517 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Grey |
repair |
Gray J, Boston VE.
Glanular reconstruction and preputioplasty repair for
distal hypospadias: a unique day-case method to avoid
urethral stenting and preserve the prepuce.
BJU Int 2003 Feb;91(3):268-70 |
The GRAP (glanular reconstruction and
preputioplasty) repair is a novel method for the day-case
reconstruction of distal hypospadias, and uniquely allows
the reconstruction of the prepuce. The case notes of 205
boys who had had GRAP repairs were reviewed, and 63 of
them who had had GRAP repairs 10 or more years earlier
were surveyed, and compared with controls.
CONCLUSION: The complication rate and patient
satisfaction with GRAP is comparable with those of other
techniques. GRAP is a simple day-case procedure with few
complications.... Importantly, the
can be preserved and refashioned to give a good
cosmetic result, with no phimosis, which is increasingly
important as circumcision becomes
less acceptable to both the general public and
the medical profession [in the
Grossman |
methods |
Grossman E.
The Evolution of Circumcision Technique.
In: Circumcision: A Pictorial Atlas of its History,
Instrument Development and Operating Techniques.
Great Neck: Todd & Honeywell 1982:17-34. |
A critical survey of circumcision methods
up to its date of publication. Not critical of
circumcision itself, but finds fault with most methods.
Invaluable in sourcing this site's methods
page. |
Hellsten |
ethics |
S K Hellsten
Rationalising circumcision: from tradition to fashion,
from public health to individual freedom-critical notes on
cultural persistence of the practice of genital mutilation
Medical Ethics (U.K.), Volume 30: Pages 248-253, June
2004. |
Important: one of the first articles
to be critical of the ethical issues underlying both male
and female genital modification, pointing out the
contradictions in other articles in the same journal
defending MGM. Points out the universal nature of genital
mutilation and the irrelevance of the claimed reasons.
Analyses individual vs customary rights. |
Hill |
behaviour |
George Hill
Circumcision and Human Behavior
Knol. |
"Psychologists now recognize that male
circumcision affects emotions and behavior. This article
discusses the impact of male circumcision on human
behavior. ...
"All of the behavioral changes described in this paper
are negative, unfavorable, or detrimental in nature. No
positive, favorable, or beneficial behavioral changes
have been found."
Hodges |
phimosis |
Hodges, Frederick M., Phimosis
World Journal of Urology, Volume 17, No. 3 : pp. 133-136,
June 1999 |

Frederick Hodges
This article shows how the Greeks and Romans understood
the rare condition of phimosis,
not as is commonly believed today, pathological in itself,
and not confused with a merely copious foreskin. |
aesthetics |
Hodges, Frederick M.
Ideal Prepuce in Ancient Greece and Rome: Male
Genital Aesthetics and Their Relation to Lipodermos,
Circumcision, Foreskin Restoration, and the Kynodesme
Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol 75: pp 375 - 405,
Fall 2001.
This article shows how the Greeks valued
the foreskin, considering its absence (lipodermos)
an obscenity to be prevented by the use of a kynodesme.
Hoebeke |
repair |
Hoebeke PB, De Kuyper P, Van Laecke E.
'Batman Excision' of
ventral skin in hypospadias repair, clue to aesthetic
repair (point of technique).
Eur Urol 2002 Nov;42(5):520-2 |
These Belgian paediatric urologists refine
the "classical Byars'
flaps" technique of using excess dorsal
skin to cover the ventral
penile shaft. Preserving the foreskin is taken for
granted. |
nursing, general
Hunter, David
Conditions affecting the foreskin
Nursing Standard, 26,37, 35-9, February 2012
This article aims to provide an update on the anatomy
of, and some of the conditions affecting, the foreskin.
The cultural and religious significance of the foreskin
will be expored as well as nursing care and health
promotion needs of men. The possible link between
circumcision status and human immunodeficiency virus
will be briefly discussed. Maintaining the cleanliness
of the genitals is advocated to reduce the incidence of
inflammatory conditions.
Full text: 1 2
3 4
Jorgenson |
phimosis |
Jorgenson, ET, Svensson A.
The treatment of Phimosis in Boys, with potent topical
steroid cream.
Acta Dermato-Venereologica (Stockholm) 73:55-56, 1993 |
Joyce |
pain |
J Pediatr Health Care 2001
pain management interventions for neonatal circumcision
Joyce BA, Keck JF, Gerkensmeyer J. |
This study ("randomized, double-blind" but using only 23
babies) compared pain response during circumcision with
EMLA and with music. As usual, no control group of babies
was left intact. "Neonates deserve interventions that will
provide them with a less painful start in life." [Correction:
deserve protection from unnecessary interventions.] |
Kalichman |
HIV, risk compensation |
Kalichman S, Eaton L, Pinkerton S
HIV Prevention: Failure to Fully Account for Behavioral
Risk Compensation
PLoS Med 4(3): e138 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040138
(2007) |
... It is difficult to imagine a convincing public
health message that effectively influences men to
undergo circumcision and continue to consistently use
Circumcised men in the ANRS 1265 trial reported 18%
more sexual contacts at follow-up than did uncircumcised
men, but no other sexual behavior differences were
obtained. However, for ethical reasons all men in MC
RCTs receive ongoing risk-reduction counseling and free
condoms, which reduces the utility of these trials for
estimating the potential behavioral impact of MC when
implemented in a natural setting. ... Based on the 18%
difference in sexual contacts for circumcised and
uncircumcised men in the ANRS 1265 trial and the
assumption that “risk compensation might be higher in a
nonresearch program scale-up,” Kahn et al. adjusted the
60% effectiveness estimate obtained in this RCT downward
to 50% to reflect a 25% increase in sexual risk
behaviors among circumcised men. Although Kahn et al.'s
model explicitly incorporated the increased risk of HIV
acquisition associated with risk compensation, it did
not consider the impact of risk compensation on the HIV
transmission risk of HIV-infected circumcised men, or on
circumcised men's risk for non-HIV sexually transmitted
infections (STIs). ...
There is no evidence that circumcision increases or
decreases the risk of HIV transmission by HIV-infected
men. However, risk compensation by HIV-infected
circumcised men will substantially increase the risk of
transmission to their sex partners. This suggests that,
in the short term at least, circumcision would reduce
the incidence of HIV among men, but increase the
incidence among women, translating to increased
prevalence among women, which in turn translates to
greater risk to men. Epidemiological models of MC should
take this dynamic into account.
Kayes |
phimosis, frenulum breve |
Kayes O, Li C-Y, Spillings A,
Ralph D
An Alternative to Circumcision in Men with a Combination
of Tight Frenulum and Phimosis
The Journal of Sexual Medicine Volume 4 Issue 4i Page
1070-1073, July 2007 |
Introduction. Men suffering from frenular
scarring and stricturing with associated phimosis are
traditionally treated with circumcision. In men wishing
to retain their foreskin, the treatment options are
limited by this dual pathology. Frenuloplasty alone is
contraindicated in this clinical setting.
Aim. To demonstrate the utility of frenular
grafting in patients with a tight frenulum and
concomitant phimosis who wish to retain their foreskin.
Methods. Six men were included in the study.
Presenting symptoms included bleeding (N = 2) and
pain/phimosis (N = 6). Median age is 27 years (25-34
years). All men were healthy and sexually active. We
describe a refined technique involving the excision of
scarred and redundant frenular tissue and the insertion
of a skin graft to the area.
Main Outcome Measures. All patients were assessed
for graft viability, functional/symptom improvement,
time to penetrative intercourse, and overall
Results. All men received an interposition skin
graft with 100% viability, with no revision surgery
required. Postoperatively, all men were sexually active
and able to retract their foreskin.
Conclusions. Cosmetic outcomes are encouraging
and painless sexual intercourse is attainable in this
difficult group of patients.
Kim |
sex |
DaiSik Kim and Myung-Geol Pang
of male circumcision on sexuality
British Journal of Urology (excerpt) Abstract BJU
International Online Early
doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06646.x Volume 0 Issue 0 |
To prospectively study, using a questionnaire, the
sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to
uncircumcised men, and to compare their sex lives before
and after circumcision.
Subjects and Methods
The study included 373 sexually active men, of whom 255
were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255
circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before
circumcision, and all were circumcised at >20 years
of age. As the Brief Male Sexual Function Inventory does
not specifically address the quality of sex life,
questions were added to compare sexual and masturbatory
pleasure before and after circumcision.
There were no significant differences in sexual drive,
erection, ejaculation, and ejaculation latency time
between circumcised and uncircumcised men. Masturbatory
pleasure decreased after circumcision in 48% of the
respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure.
Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in
63% of the respondents but was easier in 37%. About 6%
answered that their sex lives improved, while 20%
reported a worse sex life after circumcision.
There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual
enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult
circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many
men, possibly because of complications of the surgery
and a loss of nerve endings.
Lander |
pain |
Lander, Janice PhD; Barbara Brady-Freyer,
MN; James B. Metcalfe, MD, FRCSC; Shermin Nazerali,
MPharm; Sarah Muttit, MD, FRCPC. Comparison
Ring Block, Dorsal Penile Nerve Block, and Topical
Anesthesia for Neonatal Circumcision A Randomized
Controlled Trial
Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 278
No. 24, Pages 2157-2162, December 24/31, 1997. |
This paper, designed to compare different
anaesthetics, is remarkable because the control group (NB
circumcised without anaesthetic - there was no intact
control group) was discontinued for ethical reasons. |
Lane |
phimosis |
Lateral preputioplasty for phimosis
October 1999, 310-12 |
ABSTRACT: There exists a lack of
understanding of normal preputial development which is
reflected in the large numbers of inappropriate referrals
for circumcision. While the scarred prepuce invariably
responds best to formal cicumcision a more conservative
approach is recommended in those symptomatic patients with
non-retractile foreskins. In this study, patients referred
to the out-patient department with a phimosis were
assessed. Those with a phimosis and secondary preputial
scarring were listed for circumcision. Those with a
narrowed foreskin and a history of recurrent balanitis or
local symptoms such as fissuration, thought suitable for a
more conservative approach, were listed for
preputioplasty. Those with a phimosis but without local
symptoms were reassured and discharged. Thirty patients
were referred for preputioplasty. One patient developed a
post-operative wound infection which settled with oral
antibiotics prescribed by his general practitioner. This
left him with further preputial adhesions and he later
underwent circumcision. The remaining patients reported no
post-operative problems at follow-up. Cosmesis was good
with high levels of patient satisfaction expressed. All
had easily retractile foreskins at follow-up. Large
numbers of patients might reasonably benefit from a
lateral preputioplasty when presenting with a symptomatic
phimosis in the absence of significant scarring of the
prepuce. It avoids the needless loss of the foreskin, the
importance of which is only now beginning to emerge. |
Lang |
phimosis |
Lang, K.
[Conservative therapy of phimosis]
Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1986 Nov;134(11):824-5
[in German] |
Abstract:"...In 56 cases of boys before puberty
with severe phimosis 53 could be completely cured by
combined parenteral HCG [Human Chorionic Gonadotropin]
and local Corticoid treatment within 4-6 weeks. The
longtime follow up study did not show any later side
effect. The therapeutic scheme is given."
Laumann |
performance |
Laumann EO, Masi CM, Zuckerman EW. Circumcision
the United States: prevalence, prophylactic effects, and
sexual practice.
JAMA 1997;277:1052-7 |
Based on the National Health and Social
Life Survey of 1410 USAmerican men aged 18 to 59, this
study seemed to find that circumcised men have more varied
sexual practices, and are less likely to experience sexual
dysfunction in old age. Its flaws include relying on
self-reporting to determine circumcision status. Some of
its findings about practices apply only to white men,
suggesting they are culturally determined, not direct
consequences of circumcision
The sexual dysfunction data was not corrected for
ethnicity and factors that flow from it, such as tendency
towards hypertension, which causes erectile dysfunction.
This study found significantly more circumcised men
contracted chlamydia (in fact none of the 353
intact men did), and the differences for other sexually
transmitted diseases (though mainly favouring intactness)
were not significant.
It is widely and falsely quoted as saying circumcised
men practice anal sex more than intact men, and that
they are less likely to lose interest in sex in old age.
sexual dysfunction |
Laumann, Edward O., PhD; Anthony Paik, MA; Raymond C.
Rosen, PhD
in the United States: Prevalence and Predictors
JAMA Vol. 281 No. 6, February 10, 1999 |
Using the same data as before, Laumann now concludes
that "...circumcision generally do[es] not result in
increased odds of experiencing sexual dysfunction." |
Leibowitz |
subject |
Arleen A. Leibowitz, Katherine
Desmond, Thomas Belin
Determinants and Policy Implications of Male Circumcision
in the United States
American Journal of Public Health,
10.2105/AJPH.2008.134403 |
Objective. We sought to determine whether lack of
state Medicaid coverage for infant male circumcision
correlates with lower circumcision rates. [Oddly
meaning whether Medicaid coverage correlates with
higher circumcision rates, and biased, "lack"
suggesting there should be Medicaid coverage.]
Methods. We used data from the Nationwide
Inpatient Sample on 417282 male newborns to calculate
hospital-level circumcision rates. We used weighted
multiple regression to correlate hospital circumcision
rates with hospital-level predictors and state Medicaid
coverage of circumcision.
Results. The mean neonatal male circumcision
rate was 55.9%.
When we controlled for other factors, hospitals in
states in which Medicaid covers routine male
circumcision had circumcision rates that were 24
percentage points higher than did hospitals in
states without such coverage (P<.001). Hospitals
serving greater proportions of Hispanic patients had
lower circumcision rates; this was not true of hospitals
serving more African Americans. Medicaid coverage had a
smaller effect on circumcision rates when a hospital had
a greater percentage of Hispanic births.
Conclusions. Lack of Medicaid coverage for
neonatal male circumcision correlated with lower rates
of circumcision. Because uncircumcised males face
greater risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections,
lack of Medicaid coverage for circumcision may translate
into future health disparities for children born to poor
families covered by Medicaid.
[This study, posing as
scientific, is just a Trojan horse for strident
advocacy. It shows that parents are not strongly
motivated to circumcise and will leave their sons
alone if they have to pay for the operation. It has
been widely quoted in the service of this advocacy.
letters to the American Journal of Public Health
answer it.]
Lempert and Shah |
ethics |
Antony Lempert and Anish Shah
Male circumcision and child safeguarding
British Association for Community Child Health (BACCH)
Newsletter, June 2012 |
Ritual circumcision or non-therapeutic excision of the
foreskin (NTEF) is increasingly under the spotlight. We
explore some of the reasons why the medical profession,
the public, and even some religious organisations are
increasingly turning away from this traditional
religious operation, and why it should now be considered
a child safeguarding issue.
McCredie |
urinary |
McCredie M, Staples M, Johnson W, English
DR, Giles GG
Prevalence of urinary symptoms in urban Australian men
aged 40-69
J Epidemiol Biostat. 2001;6(2):211-8 |
BACKGROUND: This study was devised to determine the
prevalence of urinary symptoms among men living in the
Australian cities of Melbourne, Sydney or Perth, and to
identify factors associated with the presence of
moderate-to-severe urinary symptoms.
METHODS: The study comprised a population-based sample
of 1,216 men, aged 40-69 years, whose names were
obtained through electoral rolls and who participated as
controls in a case-control study of risk factors for
prostate cancer. As part of a structured face-to-face
interview, the men completed the International Prostate
Symptom Score (IPSS). Men with moderate (IPSS = 8-19) or
severe (IPSS > or = 20) urinary symptoms were
compared with those with mild or no symptoms (IPSS <
8) using unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS: The
age-specific prevalence of moderate-to-severe urinary
symptoms (IPSS > or = 8) in men aged 40-49, 50-59,
60-69 years was 16%, 23% and 28%, respectively. Compared
with men with no or mild urinary symptoms (IPSS
< 8), men with
moderate-to-severe symptoms were more likely to report
not currently living as married [odds ratio (OR) = 1.5;
95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-2.0] and being
circumcised (O[dds ]R[atio] = 1.5; 95% C[onfidence
]l[nterval] 1.2-2.0) [i.e. they are 1 ½ times as
likely - 19 out of 20 similar surveys would show that
that they are from 1.2 times to twice as likely].
The increased likelihood associated with drinking an
average of > 60 g day(-1) of alcohol in the 2 years
before interview was of marginal statistical
significance (OR = 1.6; 1.0-2.6). There were no
significant differences between men with IPSS > or =
8 and those with IPSS < 8 with respect to body mass
index, education level, having had a vasectomy, or
cigarette smoking.
CONCLUSION: Among Australian men, being
circumcised, or not currently living as
married, were associated with
increased prevalence of urinary symptoms.
PMID: 11434500 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
McGrath |
anatomy |
The Frenular Delta: a New Preputial Structure
Understanding Circumcision
ed. Denniston et al. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,
New York, 2001, pp199-206 |
describes the frenular
delta, a sensitive area under the intact penis,
distinct from the ridged
band. |
Machmouchi et al. |
age, complications |
M. Machmouchi, A. Alkhotani
Is Neonatal Circumcision Judicious?
Pediatr Surg 2007; 17: 266-269
Background: Circumcision is the most frequently
performed procedure in male children.
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the
outcome of circumcision performed in the early neonatal
period and circumcision performed at 5 months of age.
Setting of the study was the King Faisal Specialist
Hospital and Research Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: The study was performed as a prospective
cohort study.
Results: A total of 350 infants were enrolled. 250
neonates were circumcised at the age of 1 to 4 days (early
group) and 100 infants underwent circumcision at the age
of 5 months (late group). A bone
cutter was used for 50 neonates, a Gomco clamp in
another 50 neonates, and a Plastibell in the remaining 250
cases (150 in the early group and 100 in the late group).
Complications including meatal deformities, meatal
stenosis, adhesions and infection were more frequent and
more significant in the neonatal circumcision group.
Conclusions: From our study, circumcision at 5
months results in significantly fewer serious
complications than circumcision in the neonatal period,
irrespective of the method used. Therefore, neonatal
circumcision should not be recommended.
[All 100 of the 5-months
circumcisions were done by Plastibell™. Therefore it
is not possible to say "irrespective of the method
used". In effect they performed two studies. One
compared methods for neonatal circumcisions. The
other compared 150 neonatal and 100 5-month
circumcisions, all using Plastibell™. But since they
did not circumcise any babies using other methods at
five months, they can not draw any valid conclusions
about how circumcisions using other methods would
have gone at five months. It is unclear from this
abstract whether they did indeed compare like with
like, only the Plastibell™ circumcisions at birth
with those at five months. If they compared the
other methods with Plastibell at five months, the
difference in method could be entirely responsible
for the difference in outcome, and the age at
circumcision have nothing to do with it.
Unsurprisingly, there was no control group of babies
not circumcised at all.]
Maden |
cancer |
Maden, Christopher, et al., History
Circumcision, Medical Conditions, and Sexual Activity
and Risk of Penile Cancer,
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1993;85:19-24 |
Maden found a correlation between intactness and penile
cancer, but he failed to correct for age: his men with
penile cancer were older than those without, and hence
born before circumcision was fashionable. He found 41
circumcised men with penile cancer in a sample of 110, and
22 of those were circumcised in infancy, disproving the
commonly repeated claim that "men circumcised in infancy never
contract penile cancer." |
Menczer |
cervical cancer |
Joseph Menczer, The
Low Incidence of Cervical Cancer in Jewish Women: Has
the Puzzle Finally Been Solved? ,
IMAJ 2003;5:120-123 (Israel Medical Association Journal) |
Extensive review of claims about circumcision,
concluding: "Although the dispute over the association of
circumcision and cervical cancer in various populations is
still ongoing [23,24], there seems to be no hard evidence
that circumcision prevents its occurrence in Jewish women,
and it is no longer considered to play a protective role."
23. Brinton LA, Reeves WC, Brenes MM,
et al. The male factor in the etiology of cervical
cancer among sexually monogamous women. Int J Cancer
24. Agarwal SS, Sehgal A, Sardana S, Kumar A, Luthra
UK. Role of male behavior in cervical carcinogenesis
among women with one lifetime partner. Cancer
Meuller, et al. |
UTIs |
Mueller ER, Steinhardt, G, Naseer S, et al.
The incidence of genitourinary abnormalities in
circumcised and uncircumcised boys presenting with an
initial urinary tract infection by 6 months of age
Pediatrics. 1997; 100(suppl):580 |
Published in abstract only, but shows that
the rate of UTIs is associated
with the presence of UT abnormalities but not with
circumcision. |
Miani, et al |
psychology |
Alessandro Miani, Gian Antonio Di Bernardo, Astrid
Ditte Højgaard, Brian D.Earp, Paul J.Zak, Anne M.Landau,
Jørgen Hoppe, Michael Winterdahl
Neonatal male circumcision is
associated with altered adult socio-affective
Heliyon, Volume 6, Issue 11, 2020,
They recruited 408 men circumcised within the
first month of life and 211 non-circumcised men and
measured socio-affective behaviors and stress via a
battery of validated psychometric scales.
Early-circumcised men reported
lower attachment security and lower
emotional stability while no differences in
empathy or trust were found. Early circumcision was also
associated with stronger sexual
drive and less
restricted socio-sexuality along with
higher perceived stress and sensation
Morgan |
general |
William Keith C. Morgan, MD
Rape of the Phallus
Journal of the American Medical Association
Volume 193 No 3
Pages 123-124
July 19, 1965.
Reprinted for a wider audience in The
Realist, April 1966.
Morgan's witty and comprehensive survey of
circumcision was the first to undermine its medical
pretentions and expose its murky psychological
underpinnings, as well as putting a useful term into the
language. |
Morris |
Leeanne |
Leeanne Morris (06 Jan 2025): Exploring
the relationship between medically unnecessary childhood
penile circumcision and adult mental health,
Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI:
10.1080/13691058.2024.2447433 |
There is increasing recognition of the need to address the
diverse experiences of individuals subjected to medically
unnecessary, non-voluntary genital cutting in childhood.
This includes children with intersex traits undergoing
‘normalisation’ surgeries and those with anatomically
normative genitalia, such as female genital cutting or
male circumcision. While most research on non-therapeutic
childhood penile circumcision centres on the physical
risks and benefits, far less attention has been given to
the potential long-term mental health impacts,
particularly from a psychotherapeutic perspective. This
article adds to the existing literature by amplifying the
voices of individuals who feel silenced. It presents a
qualitative analysis of five interviews with men who
believe their childhood circumcision negatively impacted
their mental health. The analysis identifies three
super-ordinate themes, highlighting the need for grief and
trauma work to process unresolved psychological distress.
However, the study acknowledges that these experiences may
not reflect those of the broader circumcised population.
Finally, the research underscores the importance of
counselling professionals being adequately informed to
support individuals reporting circumcision-related mental
health challenges, and offers recommendations for
effective therapeutic interventions aligned with existing
theories of grief, trauma, and attachment. |
Nadler |
innervation |
Nadler RD
Proximate and ultimate influences on the regulation of
mating in the great apes
Am J Primatol 1995;37:93-102 |
"The human prepuce has an evolutionary
advancement over the prepuce of other primates. This is
most clearly seen in the evolutionary increase in
corpuscular innervation of the human prepuce and the
concomitant decrease in corpuscular receptors of the human
glans relative to the innervation of the prepuce and glans
of lower primates."
A riposte to the claim that the foreskin is "just a
mammalian sheath for the penis".
Naimer |
anatomy |
S.A. Naimer, K. Zega, W.F.
Anatomy of the cutaneous surface of the male genitalia,
with elaboration upon the inner preputial coronal-shaft
J. Ped. Urol (2015),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpurol.2015.06.022 |
Descriptions of the penile prepuce in anatomical and
clinical texts either omit details or contain a small,
yet potentially serious, error with regard to the manner
of its attachment to the penis.
This study sought to cast light on a ubiquitous but poorly understood and
under-appreciated structure, while correcting a
long-standing mistake in the medical literature.
Study design
The foreskins of five male
stillborn babies were dissected and carefully
examined. Tissue from the apposing surfaces of the
various regions of the inner and outer prepuce surfaces
and the transition zone itself were collected, embedded
in paraffin, sectioned, stained, examined and
photographed under microscopy.
Contradicting the prevailing descriptions in the
literature that the inner prepuce is a single, uniform
sheath, this study's observations and histological
findings demonstrated that it actually splits into
separate laminae that connect distally to the shaft at
the base of the corona and proximally with the shaft
fascia, respectively.
The penile prepuce is a discrete and deceptively complex
part of the male anatomy, yet key details of its
interposing surfaces are inaccurately described or
entirely omitted in the literature. Understanding the
normal anatomy of the prepuce is critically relevant,
particularly for urologists and
others involved in the performance of circumcision.
For example, avoiding potentially catastrophic avulsion
of the inner preputial remnant beyond the coronal sulcus
during circumcision and accurate assessment of tissue
positioning prior to penile reconstruction in cases of
The findings of this study correct a misunderstanding in
the anatomy of the prepuce.
Over the proximal border of the corona the inner
prepuce spits into two laminae each of a separate
This astonishing study, by three Israeli
doctors, is like a study of the anatomy of the neck
performed by Elizabethan executioners. No
consideration is given to the complex structure or many
functions of the prepuce in the adult man. From that point
of view, the attachment of the very thin shaft mucosa when
it ends at the base of the preputial sac is made doubly
secure by the two laminae. The prepuce is still not a
distinct (and hence easily removable) structure. There is
still no dotted line. |
Ng'ayo |
herpes |
Ng'ayo MO, Bukusi E, Morrow RA,
Rowhani-Rahbar A, Obare BA, Friedrich D, Holmes KK.
Demographic Determinants for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2
among Fishermen along Lake Victoria, Kenya.
Sex Transm Infect. 2007 Dec 20 |
OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and
correlates of herpes simplex virus type two (HSV-2)
seropositivity among fishermen along Lake Victoria shores
in Kisumu district, Kenya.
METHODS: Sera from a random sample of 250 fishermen
from 18 beaches were collected following a detailed
sociodemographic interview. HSV-2 infection was tested by
Kalon HSV-2 ELISA.
RESULTS: The HSV-2 seroprevalence was 63.9%. In
multivariate analysis, fishermen were more
likely to be infected with HSV-2 if they were
HIV-positive (prevalence ratio (PR): 1.27; 95% confidence
interval (CI): 1.06, 1.52) as compared to those testing
HIV-negative, were 18-20 (PR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.24, 0.99)
and older than 40 (PR: 1.66; 95% CI: 1.30, 2.14) years of
age as compared with those 21-25 years of age, perceived
their last two sexual partners to have an sexually
transmitted infection (STI) (PR: 1.27; 95% CI: 1.06, 1.52)
as compared with those who did not; and were
circumcised (PR: 1.49; 95% CI: 1.19, 1.86) as compared
with those who were not circumcised.
CONCLUSIONS: HSV-2 seroprevalence is high among
this population and is associated with HIV serostatus,
age, perception about partner's STI status, and
... since few men were circumcised in this study [18,
vs 232 intact], ... this association may have arisen by
O'Hara |
sexuality |
O'Hara K, O'Hara J.
effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of
the female partner
BJU, Vol. 83, Supplement 1, Jan. 1999, 79-84 |
This write-in survey has been criticised because an
anti-circumcision source was among those used to recruit
respondents, but what is striking is their agreement as to
how sex is better with intact men, descriptions
that are in accord with the neurological facts. They
maintain the correlations remain when the (45%) subjects
who may be predisposed to Intactivism are removed. |
Ozdogan |
methoglobinemia, anaesthetic |
Hatice Ozdogan, Selcan Osma, Gozde B Aydin,
Avni Dinc, Gulten Ozgun
in a circumcised baby following application of
prilocaine: a case report,
Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:49 |
Introduction: Local anesthesia with prilocaine has
become a routine part of ambulatory circumcision
procedures. Methemoglobinemia is a rare but potentially
lethal complication of local anesthetics.
Case presentation: We report the case of a
40-day-old Turkish boy who presented with cyanosis after
receiving local anesthesia with prilocaine. His
methemoglobin level revealed severe methemoglobinemia
(methemoglobin = 44%). His cyanosis resolved after
intravenous administration of methylene blue.
Conclusion: Although the association between
prilocaine use and methemoglobinemia has generally
restricted the use of prilocaine in babies, it is still
widely used in ambulatory procedures, especially during
circumcision in the neonatal period. Prilocaine
should not be used in babies who are less than 3 months
old because of the risk of methemoglobinemia;
other local anesthetics may be used for this age group.
Furthermore, general anesthesia by mask ventilation may be
favored for babies less than 3 months of age instead of
local anesthetics. |
Patel |
complications |
Patel H.
problem of routine infant circumcision,
Can Med Assoc J 1996;95:576-581 |
Patel found a high incidence of complications, mainly
minor, (35 haemorrhages, 31 meatal ulcers, 8 infections, 8
meatal stenoses, 1 phimosis) among 100 babies circumcised
at one hospital in Kingston, Ontario. |
Pieretti |
complications |
Rafael V. Pieretti, Allan M. Goldstein and
Rafael Pieretti-Vanmarcke
of newborn circumcision: a common and avoidable problem,
Ped. Surg. Int. DOI 10.1007/s00383-010-2566-9 |
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the
types of operative and post-operative late complications
resulting from newborn circumcisions and to make
recommendations to prevent them.
Methods After obtaining IRB approval, a
retrospective review of the late complications resulting
from newborn circumcisions treated at the MassGeneral
Hospital for Children from January 2003 to December 2007
was undertaken. [So "late"
means within seven years - no reference to
complications affecting sexual function]
The source used was the consultation notes and operative
reports of affected patients. Additionally, cases seen
in the outpatient Pediatric Urology Clinic from April
2007 to April 2008 were reviewed.
Results A total of 8,967 children were operated
during the study period, of which 424
were for complications resulting from previous
neonatal circumcision. Penile
adhesions, skin bridges, meatal stenosis, redundant
foreskin (incomplete circumcision with uncircumcised
appearance), recurrent phimosis, buried penis and
penile rotation were the most frequent complications.
At the outpatient clinic of the Section of Pediatric
Urology, 127 boys with concerns following newborn
circumcision were evaluated, representing 7.4%
the total volume of cases seen in this clinic.
Conclusions Our results indicate the need to
undertake a collaborative study to define the incidence
of complications following newborn circumcisions, which
should be performed by practitioners with adequate
training in the technique of their choice and its
post-operative care.
[Their results indicate yet
again that circumcision should not be performed in
the absence of pressing medical need.]
Qin |
keratinisation, Langerhans cells |
Qin Q, Zheng XY, Wang YY, Shen
HF, Sun F, Ding W.
Langerhans' cell density and degree of keratinization in
foreskins of Chinese preschool boys and adults
Int Urol Nephrol. 2009 Jan 30. [Epub ahead of print] |
BACKGROUND: Recent epidemiological studies have
proposed that male circumcision reduces the relative
risk of acquiring HIV-1. Here, we evaluated the density
of Langerhans' cell and degree of keratinization in the
foreskins of Chinese preschool boys and adults.
METHODS: Sixty preschool boys and 20 healthy men
without infectious history following male circumcisions
were included. The keratin thickness and Langerhans'
cells were quantified by using keratin staining,
immunohistochemistry, and image analysis.
RESULTS: The extent of keratinization was much
greater in the inner foreskin than in the outer foreskin
in adults and boys with infectious history. It was
likely to be less keratinized in boys' foreskins
compared with those of adults. The
density of Langerhans' cells was higher in the outer
foreskin than in the inner foreskin of adults and
healthy boys. [And
the outer foreskin is just a continuation of the
shaft skin. This undermines claims that circumcision
significantly reduces the exposure of the Langerhans
cells to HIV.] Furthermore, an increased
density of Langerhans' cells of inner foreskin was also
found in boys with infectious history compared with
healthy boys. There was much higher Langerhans' cell
density in boys' foreskin compared with those of adults.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that Chinese
men may have a different feature of keratin in the
foreskin, and a higher Langerhans' cells density in
boys' foreskin may be due to it being less keratinized.
PMID: 19184514
Rajan |
frenuloplasty |
Prabhakar Rajan, S Alan
McNeill, and Kevin J Turner
Worthwhile? A 12-Year Experience
Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2006 October; 88(6): 583–584 |
The authors surveyed 209 of their 213 frenuloplasty
patients since 1992. 48 (23% responded. Median satisfaction
8/10. 34 would recommend it. 23 of 209 (11%) were
circumcised by the same doctors after frenuloplasty. A few
more may have been circumcised elsewhere. |
Ramos and Boyle |
stress |
Samuel Ramos, Gregory J. Boyle
Ritual and Medical Circumcision among Filipino boys:
Evidence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
University. |
... investigated the psychological
consequences of partial penile amputation, involving both
medical and ritual circumcision procedures in the
Philippines. Boys aged from 11 to 16 years were
recruited from five different schools of the Batangas
province.... The boys completed a two-part questionnaire.
The preliminary part requested biographical information,
including any history of other traumatic events, and
perception of the circumcision experience. The second part
assessed the presence of post traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) symptoms. ... Among ... previously non-traumatized
boys, 1072 boys were circumcised under medical procedures
and 505 were subjected to ritual circumcision. Almost 70%
of the boys subjected to ritual circumcision (Tuli), and
51% of those subjected to medical circumcision fulfilled
the DSM-IV criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD |
Reddy |
phimosis |
Reddy S, Jain V, Dubey M,
Deshpande P, Singal AK. (Mumbai, India)
Local steroid therapy as the first-line treatment for boys
with symptomatic phimosis - a long-term prospective study.
Acta Paediatr. 2011 Nov 21. doi:
10.1111/j.1651-2227.2011.02534.x. [Epub ahead of print] |
Aim: Phimosis is a common paediatric urological
disorder and often necessitates circumcision. We
prospectively evaluated local steroid therapy (LST) as
the first choice therapy for such children.
Methods: Two hundred and sixty symptomatic boys
up to 15 years of age (mean 34 months) with phimosis
were started on betamethasone dipropionate (0.05%)
application on gently stretched prepuce twice a day.
Follow-up visits were arranged at the end of weeks 1, 2
and 4 and 6 months. Grade of phimosis was objectively
Results: Ninety one percent of the boys showed a
successful outcome at the end of 4 weeks; 72% responded
in first week, further 16% responded in week 2, and only
2.6% achieved alleviation of phimosis on further
application of LST beyond 2 weeks. Fourty two (17.8%)
boys had a recurrence of phimosis on a long-term
follow-up (mean - 25.4 months, range 6-48 months); thus,
the long-term success rate was 77%, while 60 (23%) boys
underwent surgery.
Conclusion: Local steroid
therapy is safe and successful in alleviating
symptomatic tight foreskin in a large majority of
children. The response can be seen as early as
1 week; most of the children respond by week 2 and
continuing therapy further may not be very effective.
Rediger |
motivation |
Chris Rediger and Andries J.
Muller, MB ChB MPraxMed CCFP
Parents' rationale for male circumcision
Family Physician, February 2013 vol. 59 no. 2
e110-e115 |
Objective To determine which factors parents
consider to be most important when pursuing elective
circumcision procedures in newborn male children.
Design Prospective survey.
Setting Saskatoon, Sask.
Participants A total of 230 participants
attending prenatal classes in the Saskatoon Health
Region over a 3-month period.
Main outcome measures Parents' plans to pursue
circumcision, personal and family circumcision status,
and factors influencing parents' decision making on the
subject of elective circumcision.
Results The reasons that parents most often gave
for supporting male circumcision were hygiene (61.9%),
prevention of infection or cancer (44.8%), and the
father being circumcised (40.9%). The reasons most
commonly reported by parents for not supporting
circumcision were it not being medically necessary
(32.0%), the father being uncircumcised (18.8%), and
concerns about bleeding or infection (15.5%). Of all
parents responding who were expecting children, 56.4%
indicated they would consider pursuing elective
circumcision if they had a son; 24.3% said they would
not. In instances in which the
father of the expected baby was circumcised, 81.9% of
respondents were in favour of pursuing elective
circumcision. When the father of the expected child
was not circumcised, 14.9% were in favour of pursuing
elective circumcision. Regression analysis
showed that the relationship between the circumcision
status of the father and support of elective
circumcision was statistically significant (P <
Among couples in which the father was circumcised,
82.2% stated that circumcision by an experienced medical
practitioner was a safe procedure for all boys, in
contrast to 64.1% of couples in which the father of the
expected child was not circumcised. When
the expecting father was circumcised, no one responded
that circumcision was an unsafe procedure, compared
with 7.8% when the expecting father was not
circumcised (P = .003).
Conclusion Despite new medical information and
updated stances from various medical associations,
newborn male circumcision rates continue to be heavily
influenced by the circumcision status of the child's
[So the father's circumcision
status is an independent variable, directly
affecting what they do, regardless of what they say.]
Richters |
general |
J Richters, AM Smith, RO de Visser, AE
Grulich, and CE Rissel
Australia: prevalence and effects on sexual health,
Int J STD AIDS, August 1, 2006; 17(8): 547-54 |
ABSTRACT: The results from a telephone survey in 2001-02
of a probability sample of Australian households including
10,173 men aged 16-59 (response rate 69.4%) are used to
assess the prevalence of circumcision across social groups
in Australia and examine lifetime history of sexually
transmissible infection (STI), sexual difficulties in the
last year, sexual practices including masturbation, and
sexual attitudes.More than half (59%) of the men were
circumcised. Circumcision was less common among younger
men (32% aged <20) and more common among the Australian
born (69%). After correction for age, circumcision was
unrelated to reporting STI, but appeared to protect
against penile candidiasis [or
rather, showed a negative correlation with candidiasis].
Circumcision was unrelated to most sexual difficulties,
but circumcised men were less likely to report physical
pain during intercourse or trouble keeping an erection;
reasons for this are unknown. There were no significant
differences in practices at last sexual encounter with a
female partner or in masturbation alone. Circumcised men
had somewhat more liberal sexual attitudes. Neonatal
circumcision was routine in Australia until the 1970s. It appears not to be associated with
significant protective or harmful sexual
health outcomes. This study provides no evidence
about the effects on sexual sensitivity. PMID: 16925903 |
sexuality |
Juliet Richters
Circumcision and the Socially Imagined Sexual BodySubject
Review Volume 15 Issue 3 - 2006 |
In a generation, Australia has changed from a country
where most boys are circumcised in infancy to one where
circumcision is the minority experience.
Proponents argue that routine circumcision is desirable
because it protects against a number of conditions. Yet
circumcision can be seen rather as a sociocultural
intervention with post hoc medical justification. As a
form of body modification, it serves to exaggerate the
visual difference between male and female. Reducing the
ambiguity and untidiness of the penis turns it into a
neat phallus more specifically fitted for what is seen
as its purpose in a gendered sexual culture focused on
coitus. Does circumcision reduce penile sensitivity?
Applying the methods of evidence-based medicine to this
question has problems, centrally that of how
'sensitivity' is to be measured. The nature of the loss
is in a sense 'unspeakable' and for many people
unimaginable, because the reception of delicate
sensation is not part of their notion of masculine
size |
Juliet Richters, John Gerofi,
Basil Donovan
Are condoms the right sizes? A method for
self-measurement of the erect penis
Venereology Volume 8, Number 2, May 1995, pp 77- |
"One hundred and two were circumcised, 43
were not, and two men did not answer. The uncircumcised
penises had slightly larger circumferences, but the
difference was not significant (2mm behind the coronal
ridge and 4mm at the glans). There was a significant
difference in length, with the uncircumcised men haing a
mean length 8 mm greater than the circumcised (t=2.06,
p<0.05). Insufficient residual foreskin in some
circumcised men may have tethered their erections." |
Risser |
ignorance |
Risser JM, Risser WL, Eissa MA,
Cromwell PF, Barratt MS, Bortot A.
Self-assessment of circumcision status by adolescents.
Am J Epidemiol. 2004 Jun 1;159(11):1095-7 |
Adolescents in Houston were asked their
circumcision status and then examined. Of the 1,508
subjects (mean age 15 years), 64% were Black, 29%
Hispanic, and 7% White. Of the 738 circumcised subjects,
69% considered themselves circumcised, 7% considered
themselves intact, and 23% did not know. Of the 751 intact
youths, 65% described themselves as intact, 4% reported
being circumcised, and 31% did not know. |
Robinson |
consent |
Consent for non-therapeutic male
circumcision on religious grounds
Robinson R, Makin E, Wheeler R
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2009; 91: 152–154 |
The aim of this study was to assess whether surgeons are
conforming to guidance laid down by professional
organisations and the courts in
obtaining dual parental consent for non-therapeutic
A retrospective case-note review over a 12-month period
(April 2005 to April 2006) of circumcisions in boys
under the age of 16 years in a tertiary paediatric
surgical unit was undertaken.
A total of 62 boys aged 1–14 years (median age, 4 years)
underwent non-therapeutic circumcision. Written
both parents was obtained in only 4 cases (6.4%).
In no case was written consent
obtained from the patient or their views
documented. In 58 cases, the written consent was
provided by only one parent; the mother in 34 (55%), the
father in 24 (45%). Of these 58 cases, in 25 (43%) both
parents attended with the child on the day of surgery.
The data reveal a consistent non-conformity with
recommended practice and the common law. It seems
unlikely that the doctors involved are deliberate and
inveterate law-breakers. The reason for this
non-compliance may be ignorance of the rules, or due to
the impracticality of their implementation. There is
evidence that doctors are ignorant of the legal rules
pertaining to their patients, and the results may
reflect this ignorance. However, there are also
practical difficulties in obtaining dual consent that
may be partially responsible for the variance.
Inevitably, investment will be required to overcome
these difficulties. Cost may tempt service providers to
abandon the provision, leaving parents to their own
Rubel |
anthropology |
Arthur Rubel et al.
Genital mutilation and adult role behavior among Lowland
Christian Filipinos of Cebu
American Anthropologist, Vol. 73,1971, pp. 806-10 |
Boys age about 9-11 undergo supercision,
and some intact adult men request the procedure. "College
girls" are said to prefer them for sex and marriage. One
young woman told interviewer that she would consider her
fiance a "real coward" and "effeminate" (local language
term) if he was intact and refused supercision. Reasons
offered by "coeds" for preferring supercised men:
Christian custom, makes man complete, healthy, protects
against cancer, promotes physical growth and strength,
intact men smell bad, more pleasure because supercised
penis is "bigger and fuller," intact men are unnatural. |
Schoen |
general, cancer |
Schoen EJ, Anderson G, Bohon C, et al:
Report of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on
Pediatrics 84:388-391,1989.
Schoen, E.J.: Benefits of Newborn Circumcision: Is Europe
Ignoring Medical Evidence?
Arch Dis Child 1997, 77, 358-60 |
Schoen is a rampant circumcisor. He chaired
the AAP Task force on circumcision and pushed his own
opinion ahead of the evidence.
He advocates universal male circumcision.
He has published verses
mocking intactness and restoration in medical journals. |
Schwartz |
Complications |
Schwartz, William M., MD; Charney, Edward
B., MD; Curry, Thomas A., MD; Ludwig, Stephen., MD
PEDIATRIC PRIMARY CARE: A Problem-solving Approach
2nd Edition, Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., 1990, pp.
861-862 |
Discusses the real rate of circumcision complications. |
Shaw |
ethics |
David Shaw
Cutting through red tape:
non-therapeutic circumcision and unethical guidelines
Clin Ethics 2009;4:181-186 |
ABSTRACT: Current General Medical Council (GMC)
guidelines state that any doctor who does not wish to
carry out a non-therapeutic circumcision (NTC) on a boy
must invoke conscientious objection. This paper argues
that this is illogical, as it is clear that an ethical
doctor will object to conducting a clinically unnecessary
operation on a child who cannot consent simply because of
the parents’ religious beliefs. Comparison of the GMC
guidelines with the more sensible British Medical
Association guidance reveals that both are biased in
favour of NTC and subvert standard consent procedures. It
is further argued that any doctor who does participate in
NTC of a minor may be guilty of negligence and in breach
of the Human Rights Act. In fact, the GMC guidance implies
that doctors must claim conscientious objection if they do
not wish to be negligent. Both sets of guidelines should
be changed to ensure an objective consent process and
avoid confusion over the ethics of NTC.
complete paper (requires Adobe
Reader ).

Singh-Grewal et
al. |
Urinary Tract Infections |
Singh-Grewal D, Macdessi J,
Craig J.
Circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infection
in boys: A systematic review of randomized trials and
observational studies
Arch Dis Child. 2005 May 12; [Epub ahead of print] |
"Given a risk of UTI in normal boys of
about 1%, the number-needed-to treat to prevent one
urinary tract infection is 111.
In boys with recurrent urinary tract infection or
high-grade vesicoureteric reflux , the risk of urinary
tract infection recurrence is 10% and 30% and the numbers
needed-to-treat are 11 and 4 respectively [i.e.
10 boys or three boys being circumcised to no purpose.].
... assuming equal utility of benefits and harms [an
they were forced to make because of the lack of data
about the harms of circumcision], net
clinical benefit is only likely in boys at high risk of
urinary tract infection."
PMID: 15890696 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
This is a meta-analysis of earlier work, not a new
and Thorup |
phimosis, rate |
Ida Sneppen, Jørgen Thorup
May 2016
Foreskin Morbidity in Uncircumcised Males [who
else?] |
OBJECTIVE: As a consequence of the discussion on
whether the health benefits of newborn male circumcision
outweigh the risks and the discrepancies in reported
figures of complications, we evaluated the incidence and
morbidity of foreskin surgery due to medical indications
in boys from the Capital Region of Denmark in 2014.
METHODS: Medical records from all boys operated on the
foreskin due to medical reasons in the Capital Region in
2014 were reviewed. Patients with hypospadias, ritual
circumcision, and redo-surgery because of complications
to nontherapeutic circumcision were excluded.
RESULTS: A total of 181 patients were included. The
cumulative risk of undergoing [any]
foreskin operation before 18 years of age was 1.7% [one in 59]. Forty
patients had histologic verified balanitis xerotica
obliterans (BXO) corresponding to a total risk of 0.37%
[one in 270] of
developing BXO. Mean age at surgery was 10.1 years
(range 1–17). Phimosis was the most frequently reported
indication (95.0%). The remaining 5.0% underwent surgery
because of frenulum breve causing problems during
erection. Before surgery, 27.1% had foreskin-related
voiding problems and 17.1% had at least 1 episode of
balanitis. Circumcision was initially performed in 44 cases. The remaining 137
patients had a foreskin-preserving operation performed.
Nine boys had secondary
circumcision after initially having foreskin-preserving
operation. [A total of 53
"circumcisions" performed, making the risk of that
53/181 x 1.7% or one in 201]
Fifty patients initially had preputial histology
performed. BXO was verified in 37 patients. Of the 9
patients with redo-surgery due to recurrent phimosis, a
further 3 had histologically verified BXO.
CONCLUSIONS: Childhood foreskin-related problems in a
region with no tradition of newborn male circumcision
should not be neglected. [The
real conclusion: Childhood foreskin-related problems
are so rare, the likelihood of needing infant male
genital cutting ("circumcision") is negligible.]
Somerville |
ethics |
Somerville, Margaret, Letter
to C. Robin Walker, 10 November 1997. |
Somerville, Professor of Law in McGill
University's centre for ethics, medicine and law, suggests
that infant circumcision is unethical. Her book "The
Ethical Canary" includes a chapter on the subject. |
Sorrells, et al |
sensitivity |
Morris L. Sorrells, James L.
Snyder, Mark D. Reiss, Christopher Eden, Marilyn F. Milos,
Norma Wilcox, Robert S. Van Howe
thresholds in the adult penis
BJU International 99 (4), 864-869
(British Journal of Urology International,
Volume 99 Issue 4 Page 864 - April 2007) |
OBJECTIVE: To map the fine-touch
pressure thresholds of the adult penis in circumcised and
uncircumcised men, and to compare the two populations.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Adult male volunteers with
no history of penile pathology or diabetes were
evaluated with a Semmes-Weinstein monofilament
touch-test to map the fine-touch pressure thresholds of
the penis. Circumcised and uncircumcised men were
compared using mixed models for repeated data,
controlling for age, type of underwear worn, time since
last ejaculation, ethnicity, country of birth, and level
of education.
RESULTS: The glans of the uncircumcised men had
significantly lower mean (sem) pressure thresholds than
that of the circumcised men, at 0.161 (0.078) g (P =
0.040) when controlled for age, location of measurement,
type of underwear worn, and ethnicity. There were
significant differences in pressure thresholds by
location on the penis (P < 0.001). The most sensitive
location on the circumcised penis was the circumcision
scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the
uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at
circumcision had lower pressure thresholds than the
ventral scar of the circumcised penis.
CONCLUSIONS: The glans of the circumcised penis
is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the
uncircumcised penis. The transitional region from the
external to the internal prepuce is the most sensitive
region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive
than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis.
Circumcision ablates
the most sensitive parts of the penis.
Spillsbury |
Unnecessary circumcision |
Katrina Spilsbury, James B Semmens, Z Stan
Wisniewski and C D'Arcy J Holman
phimosis and other medical indications in Western
Australian boys
MJA 2003 178 (4): 155-158 |
Objective: To investigate the
incidence rate of circumcision for phimosis and other
medically indicated reasons in Western Australian boys
from 1 January 1981 to 31 December 1999.
Results: The rate of medically indicated
circumcisions increased in boys aged less than 15 years
during the study period. [A
small increase was to be expected, corresponding to
the decline in routine circumcision over that period.]
Conclusion: The rate of circumcision to treat
phimosis in boys aged less than 15 years is seven
times the expected incidence rate for phimosis.
Many boys are circumcised before reaching five years of
age, despite phimosis being rare in this age group.
The article has an associated editorial: "Treating
phimosis" by Paddy A Dewan, MJA 2003 178 (4):
148-150, including photographs of true and false
Svoboda |
ethics, law |
J. S. Svoboda, R. S. Van Howe and J. G.
for Neonatal Circumcision: an Ethical and Legal
J Contemp Health Law Policy, 17: 61-133, 2000 |
This important paper challenges the right
of doctors and parents to authorise RIC. It has been
noticed by the American Urological
Association. |
ethics, FGM |
J. S. Svoboda, and R. Darby
Rose by any other Name: Rethinking the Similarities and
Differences between Male and Female Genital Cutting
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Volume 21, Number 3
(September 2007), pp. 301-323. |
ABSTRACT: This paper offers a
critical examination of the tendency to segregate
discussion of surgical alterations to the male and female
genitals into separate compartments - the first known as
circumcision, the second as genital mutilation. It is
argued that this fundamental problem of definition
underlies the considerable controversy surrounding these
procedures when carried out on minors, and that it hinders
objective discussion of the alleged benefits, harms and
risks. The variable effects of male and female genital
surgeries are explored, and a scale of damage for male
circumcision to complement the World Health Organization's
categorisation of female genital mutilation is proposed.
The origins of the double standard identified are placed
in historical perspective, and a brief conclusion makes a
plea for greater gender neutrality in the approach to this
contentious issue. |
Szasz |
history |
Szasz, T.
masturbatory insanity
Ideas on Liberty, 50: 35-36 (May), 2000 |
"In this column, I shall briefly retell the
story of what, until relatively recently, had been the
most commonly diagnosed and most enthusiastically treated
mental disease in the history of medicine, namely,
Circumcision is mentioned as one of its "cures". |
1995 |
pain |
Taddio A, Goldbach M, Ipp M, Stevens B,
Koren G. Effect
of neonatal circumcision on pain responses during
vaccination in boys.
Lancet 1995; 345: 291-2. |
Taddio et al's first paper showed that
circumcised babies reacted more strongly to the pain of
being vaccinated than intact ones, months after their
circumcisions. |
Taddio 1997 |
pain |
Taddio A, Katz J, Ilersich AL, Koren G.
of neonatal circumcision on pain response during
subsequent routine vaccination.
Lancet 1997;349(9052):599-603. |
This pain study had a
control group of boys left intact, and - surprise! - they
felt the least pain of all.
Circumcised boys showed stronger pain responses to
vaccination than intact boys (and those who hadn't had
pain relief, more than those who'd been given it).
The logical conclusion is of course that babies should
not be circumcised if it is not necessary, but of course
the researchers conclude that pain relief should be
This experiment immediately calls its own ethics
into question, since by definition it involves
deliberately inflicting pain on unanaesthetised
Taddio 2000 |
pain |
Taddio A, Pollock N, Gilbert-MacLeod C, Ohlsson K, Koren
Combined analgesia and local anesthesia to minimize pain
during circumcision.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000 Jun;154(6):620-3 |
Their third
paper is fatally flawed, attempting to test two
variables, circumcision method and pain-relief method at
the same time. |
Taddio 2002 |
pain |
Taddio A, Shah V, Gilbert-MacLeod C, Katz
Conditioning and hyperalgesia in newborns exposed to
repeated heel lances.
JAMA 2002 Aug 21;288(7):857-61 |
Prospective cohort study of 21 full-term
newborns born to mothers with diabetes and 21 controls.
CONCLUSIONS: Newborns who had diabetic mothers and were
exposed to repeated heel lances in the first 24 to 36
hours of life learned to anticipate pain and exhibited
more intense pain responses during venipuncture than
normal infants.
In brief: newborn babies DO feel pain.
Taylor |
anatomy |
Taylor, J.P., A.P. Lockwood and A.J.Taylor
Specialized mucosa of the penis and its loss to
Journal of Urology (1996), 77, 291-295 |
Taylor details the innervation of the
ridged band of the prepuce, suggesting its great
importance in sexual functioning. He also calculates the
size of the prepuce as much greater than is commonly
believed. |
Tiffany |
psychology |
Tiffany, Leone-Vespa
the relationship between circumcision and emotional
development in young boys: Measuring aggressiveness and
emotional expressiveness
Dissertation for Psy.D, Alliant International University,
Fresno, Californai, 2011, 148 pages; 3467063 |
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the
circumcision surgery produced a higher incidence of
aggressiveness and a lower incidence of emotional
expressiveness in circumcised children versus
uncircumcised or intact children. This study was
conducted using a cross-sectional design in which data
were collected through four self-report questionnaires:
demographic questionnaire, circumcision questionnaire,
Self-Expressiveness in the Family Questionnaire (SEFQ),
and Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment
(ITSEA). When applicable, the SEFQ was completed by both
parents for a total of 66 parent participants. There
were 40 male children participants (20 circumcised; 20
intact) [A small sample.
Whether the findings can be generalised would depend
very much on how randomly the sample was selected
from the general population.] .
Data were analyzed using an independent t test. Of the
six hypotheses, five were confirmed.
The first significant finding of this study was that
circumcised boys compared to intact boys scored higher
on the ITSEA-EX subscale of the ITSEA, which measures
activity/impulsivity, aggression/defiance, and peer
The second significant finding of this study was that
circumcised boys compared to intact boys scored higher
on the ITSEA-IN subscale of the ITSEA, which measures
depression/withdrawal, general anxiety, separation
distress, and inhibition to novelty.
The third significant finding of this study was that
circumcised boys compared to intact boys scored higher
on the ITSEA-DYS subscale of the ITSEA, which measures
negative emotionality, sleep, eating, and sensory
The fourth significant finding of this study was that
circumcised boys compared to intact boys scored lower on
the ITSEA-COMP subscale of the ITSEA, which measures
compliance, attention, mastery, motivation,
imitation/play, empathy, and prosocial peer relations.
The fifth finding of this study was that parents of
circumcised boys compared to parents of intact boys
scored lower on the SEFQ-Positive scale, which measures
positive emotions.
The sixth finding was that there were no differences
between the parents of circumcised boys compared to the
parents of intact boys on the SEFQ-Negative scale, which
measures negative emotions.
[These findings are certainly
interesting, but a much larger sample is needed
before we can conclude that circumcision actually
has these effects.]
To et al |
UTIs |
To T., Agha M., Dick P.T. et al. Cohort
on circumcision of newborn boys and subsequent risk of
urinary-tract infection.
Lancet 1998;352:1813-16. |
Found a significant but small effect of
circumcision. It would take 195 circumcisions to prevent
one UTI. You can see a graphic
illustration of that figure. |
Wilkinson |
Wilkinson DJ, Lansdale N,
Everitt LH, Marven SS, Walker J, Shawis RN, Roberts JP,
Mackinnon AE, Godbole PP.
Foreskin preputioplasty and intralesional triamcinolone: a
valid alternative to circumcision for balanitis xerotica
Pediatr Surg. 2012 Apr;47(4):756-9 |
We previously reported our short-term experience of
foreskin preputioplasty as an alternative to
circumcision for the treatment of foreskin balanitis
xerotica obliterans (BXO). In this study, we aimed to
compare this technique with circumcision over a longer
Between 2002 and 2007, boys requiring surgery for BXO
were offered either foreskin preputioplasty or primary
circumcision. The preputioplasty technique involved
triradiate preputial incisions and injection of
triamcinolone intralesionally. Retrospective case-note
analysis was performed to identify patient demographics,
symptoms, and outcomes.
One hundred thirty-six boys underwent primary surgery
for histologically confirmed BXO. One hundred four boys
opted for foreskin preputioplasty, and 32, for
circumcision. At a median follow-up of 14 months
(interquartile range, 2.5-17.8), 84 (81%) of 104 in the
preputioplasty group had a fully retractile and no
macroscopic evidence of BXO. Of 104, 14 (13%) developed
recurrent symptoms/BXO requiring circumcision or repeat
foreskin preputioplasty. In the circumcision group, 23
(72%) of 32 had no macroscopic evidence of BXO. The
incidence of meatal stenosis was significantly less in
the foreskin preputioplasty group, 6 (6%) of 104 vs 6
(19%) of 32 (P = .034).
Our results show a good outcome for most boys undergoing
foreskin preputioplasty and intralesional triamcinolone
for BXO. There is a small risk of recurrent BXO, but
rates of meatal stenosis may be reduced.
Wrigley |
consent, ethics |
Anthony Wrigley
moral authority misconceived
Journal of Medical Ethics
2007;33:527-531 |
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 has provided unified scope
in the British medical system for proxy consent with
regard to medical decisions, in the form of a lasting
power of attorney. While the intentions are to increase
the autonomous decision making powers of those unable to
consent, the author of this paper argues that the whole
notion of proxy consent collapses into a paternalistic
judgement regarding the other person’s best interests
and that the new legislation introduces only an advisor,
not a proxy with the moral authority to make treatment
decisions on behalf of another. The criticism is
threefold. First, there is good empirical evidence that
people are poor proxy decision
makers as regards accurately representing other
people’s desires and wishes, and this is
therefore a pragmatically inadequate method of gaining
consent. Second, philosophical theory explaining how we
represent other people’s thought processes indicates
that we are unlikely ever to
achieve accurate simulations of others’ wishes
in making a proxy decision. Third, even if we could
accurately simulate other people’s beliefs and wishes,
the current construction of proxy consent in the Mental
Capacity Act means that it has no significant ethical
authority to match that of autonomous decision making.
Instead, it is governed by a professional,
paternalistic, best-interests judgement that undermines
the intended role of a proxy decision maker. The author
argues in favour of clearly adopting the paternalistic
best-interests option and viewing the proxy as solely an
advisor to the professional medical team in helping make
best-interests judgements.
Van Howe |
cost/benefit |
R. S. Van Howe
A Cost-Utility Analysis of Neonatal
Med Decis Making, December 1, 2004; 24(6): 584 - 601 |
A Cost-Utility Analysis of Neonatal
Robert S. Van Howe, MD, MS, FAAP
Department of Pediatrics, Michigan State University
College of Human Medicine, Marquette, Michigan
A cost-utility analysis, based on published data from
multiple observational studies, comparing boys circumcised
at birth and those not circumcised was undertaken using
the Quality of Well-being Scale, a Markov analysis, the
standard reference case, and a societal perspective.
Neonatal circumcision increased incremental costs by
$828.42 per patient and resulted in an incremental 15.30
well-years lost per 1000 males. If neonatal circumcision
was cost-free, pain-free, and had no immediate
complications, it was still more costly than not
circumcising. Using sensitivity analysis, it was
impossible to arrange a scenario that made neonatal
circumcision cost-effective. Neonatal circumcision is not
good health policy, and support for it as a medical
procedure cannot be justified financially or medically.
In the same issue:
D. T. Gray Neonatal
Circumcision: Cost-Effective Preventive Measure or "the
Unkindest Cut of All"?
(Med Decis Making, December 1, 2004; 24(6): 688 - 692)
- a critical review of the above. |
inflammation |
Van Howe RS
Neonatal circumcision and penile inflammation in young
Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2007 May;46(4):329-33. |
"This study prospectively documents the
incidence of penile inflammation in a consecutive sample
of boys according to circumcision status whose visit with
the physician included a genital examination in a private
primary care pediatric practice in rural northern
Wisconsin. Penile inflammation was more common in
circumcised than noncircumcised boys, especially in the
first 3 years of life (exact odds ratio, 8.01, 95%
confidence interval, 31-329.15). When adjusted for the
number of genital examinations and age younger than 3
years, exact logistic regression found an adjusted exact
odds ratio of 7.91 (95% confidence interval, 1.76-77.66).
The study found that rather than protecting against penile
inflammation, neonatal circumcision increases the risk of
penile inflammation, particularly in boys younger than 3
years old." From the NIH PubMed database of scientific
Direct Link:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/q...ubmed_docsu m http://cpj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/46/4/329
Way |
A. Way, V. Mishra, R. Hong, K.
circumcision protective of HIV infection?
AIDS 2006 - XVI International AIDS Conference Abstract no.
TUPE0401 |
Background: There is a large body of literature
indicating that male circumcision has a protective effect
against HIV infection; however, not all studies find this
effect. This study examines the association between male
circumcision and HIV serostatus across sub-Saharan African
Methods: Data are from recent Demographic and
Health Surveys in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya,
Lesotho, and Malawi and from AIDS Indicator Surveys in
Tanzania and Uganda. During survey fieldwork in each of
these countries, men age 15-59 (15-54 in Kenya and 15-49
in Tanzania) gave blood for anonymous HIV testing. HIV
serostatus data for men were analyzed for their
relationship to reported circumcision status using
bivariate and multivariate statistical methods, after
controlling for key demographic, social, and behavioral
characteristics. Results: National HIV prevalence ranged
from 2% in Ghana and Burkina Faso to 24% in Lesotho. The
proportion of uncircumcised men was highest in Lesotho
(52%), and lowest in Ghana (5%). In bivariate analysis,
circumcised men had lower HIV
prevalence in only two of the eight countries.
With age, education, wealth status, and a number of
sexual and other behavioral risk factors controlled
statistically, in only one of the
eight countries were circumcised men at a significant
advantage. In the other seven countries, the
association between circumcision and HIV status was not
statistically significant for the male population as a
Conclusions: We find a protective effect of
circumcision in only one of the eight countries for
which there are nationally-representative HIV
seroprevalence data. The results are important in
considering the development of circumcision-focused
interventions within AIDS prevention programs.
Werker |
Eric Werker, Amrita Ahuja, and
Brian Wendell
Male Circumcision and AIDS: The Macroeconomic Impact of a
Health Crisis
Working paper, Harvard Business School, October 2006 -
unpublished but widely
circulated |
Abstract: Theories abound on the
potential macroeconomic impact of AIDS in Africa, yet
there have been surprisingly few empirical studies to test
the mixed theoretical predictions. In this paper, we
examine the impact of the AIDS epidemic on African nations
through 2002 using the male circumcision rate to identify
plausibly exogenous variation in HIV prevalence. Medical
researchers have found significant evidence that male
circumcision can reduce the risk of contracting HIV. We
find that national male circumcision rates for African
countries are both a strong predictor of HIV/AIDS
prevalence and uncorrelated with other determinants of
economic outcomes. Two-stage least squares regressions do
not support the hypotheses that AIDS has had any
measurable impact on economic growth, savings, or
fertility behavior in African nations. However we do find
weak evidence that AIDS has lead to a slow-down in
education gains, as measured by youth literacy, and a rise
in poverty, as measured by malnutrition.
Their argument is circular. They assume
that circumcision protects against HIV infection, and
use it inversely as a measure of HIV incidence.
Circumcisionists use this paper to prove that
circumcision protects, but the figures in which they
find correlations are highly selective. In Lesotho,
for example, circumcision and HIV are both prevalent.
Williams and Kapila |
complications |
Williams and Kapila, Complications
Br. J. Surg 1993, Vol 80, Oct, 1231-1236 |
Estimates the rate of complication at
2-10%, but that of meatal stenosis at 8-20%. Enumerates
many grotesque mishaps. |
Winberg |
UTIs |
Winberg, Jan, Ingela Bollgreg, Leif
Gothefors, Maria Herthelius, Kjell Tullus,
The Lancet, Vol 1: pages 598-599.(March 18, 1989) |
The conclusion of this misleadingly-titled
paper is a resounding "NO!" The authors argue that by
colonising the baby's foreskin with the mother's benign
bacteria, breast-feeding is a better protection against
UTI than circumcision. |
Wiswell |
UTIs |
TE Prepuce presence portends prevalence of potentially
perilous periurethral pathogens
The Journal of Urology, 1992; 148: 739-42
Wiswell TE, Hachey WE. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and
the uncircumcised state: an update
Ped Res, 1992; 31:103A, abstract 603
Wiswell TE, Roscelli JD Corroborative evidence for the
decreased incidence of urinary tract infections in
circumcised male infants.
Pediatrics, 1986; 78(1): 96-9
Wiswell TE: Further evidence for the decreased incidence
of urinary tract infections in circumcised male infants.
Pediatrics 1986;78:96-99.
Wiswell TE, Smith FR, Bass JW Decreased incidence of
urinary tract infections in circumcised male infants.
Pediatrics 1985;75:901-903.
Wiswell TE, Smith FR. Decreased incidence of urinary tract
infections in circumcised male infants
Experience and Reason, 1985; 75(5)
Wiswell is an enthusiastic circumcisor
(with a sick sense of humour). His various studies all
correlate intactness and UTIs, using huge samples, but
with faulty methodology. For example, all the babies
concerned were born in military hospitals, intact ones
were more likely to be hospitalised for UTI because they
were to be circumcised. He stresses the (apparent) large
reduction in UTIs to the complete disregard of the very
low baseline rate.
He is on record as
seeing financial benefit to doctors from circumcision. |
Wolbarst |
penile cancer |
Wolbarst Abraham L. Universal circumcision
as a sanitary measure.
JAMA 1914; 62:92-7
Wolbarst, AL. Circumcision and penile cancer. Lancet
1932; 150-3.
(Note the great age of these studies)
Wolbarst correlated penile cancer with
intactness and concluded that circumcision was
prophylactic. When his figures are corrected for age, the
correlation disappears (penile cancer is a disease of old
men.) |
Yang |
sensitivity |
Yang DM, Lin H, Zhang B, Guo W.
[Circumcision affects glans penis vibration perception
[Article in Chinese]
Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2008 Apr;14(4):328-30
PMID: 18481425 [PubMed - in process] |
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of
circumcision on the glans penis sensitivity by comparing
the changes of the glans penis vibrotactile threshold
between normal men and patients with simple redundant
prepuce and among the patients before and after the
METHODS: The vibrotactile thresholds were
measured at the forefinger and glans penis in 73 normal
volunteer controls and 96 patients with simple redundant
prepuce before and after circumcision by biological
vibration measurement instrument, and the changes in the
perception sensitivity of the body surface were
RESULTS: The G/F (glans/finger) indexes in the
control and the test group were respectively 2.39 +/-
1.72 and 1.97 +/- 0.71, with no significant difference
in between (P > 0.05). And those of the test group
were 1.97 +/- 0.71, 2.64 +/- 1.38, 3.09 +/-1.46 and 2.97
+/- 1.20 respectively before and 1, 2 and 3 months after
circumcision, with significant difference between pre-
and post-operation (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: There is a statistic difference in
the glans penis vibration perception threshold between
normal men and patients with simple redundant prepuce. The glans penis perception sensitivity
decreases after circumcision.
[The term "redundant prepuce"
is not defined - there is nothing to suggest the men
were not normal, and the circumcisions, medically
unnecessary. This result is comparable to that of Sorrells et al,
without the measurements at the foreskin.]
Yilmaz |
psychological trauma |
Erdal Yilmaz, Ertan Batislam, Mehmet Murad
Bsar and Halil Basar,
Psychological trauma of circumcision in the phallic period
could be avoided by using topical steroids
International Journal of Urology, Volume 10 Number 12:
Pages 651-656, December 2003. |
Objective: The objective of our
study was to assess the efficacy of topical steroids in
the treatment of phimosis and evaluate patients using the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III-Revised (DSM-III- R)
test with the aim of eliminating castration anxiety of
circumcision in the phallic period.
Circumcision is the most frequently practiced surgery
in Turkey for religious and traditional purposes. Most
of the operations are performed in neonates and primary
school children. It has been pointed out that between
the ages of 3 and 6 years - the 'phallic period' of
childhood development - circumcision may affect the
psychological status of the child and eventually cause
psychological and behavioral disturbances.
...the rate of anxiety disorders such as multiple
anxieties, overanxious disorder, simple and social
phobias and separation anxiety were remarkably higher in
the circumcision group.
The application of topical steroids is an easy,
effective and low-cost treatment for phimosis.
Circumcision is a traumatic experience and anxiety
scores in a child tested by DSM-III-R increase
preoperatively and perioperatively. In populations where
circumcision is a cultural necessity, medical therapy
for phimosis with topical steroids can be justified,
particularly during the phallic period.