She made it on last Friday with her birth-doc/midwife, Dr Fidak at Tropicana Medical Centre. Actually I tak sure when is the best time for girls to be circumcised, but after birth is too small to me, that's why I waited. According to my mom, mine was done after 40 days, and *Bayi is about 100 days. So should be ok la kut..
We arrived TMC around 6pm and there were 3 patients ahead me so I had to wait up for a while. A thing about *Bayi she doesn't like to be carried around for long, she likes to lie down instead! Senang ok jaga budak ni hahaha. Letak atas katil and main2 dah ok. After half an hour or so, she became restless on my lap and request to put down. So I put her on a bed in the CTG room! Hahh puas hati!
She even pooped! Luckily this room is equipped with a sink so I can wash her up. She already poops like a big kid now, so I don't really like to use wet wipes only, rasa macam tak bersih :P
Everybody was very excited, siap ada extra nurse request to call her up when *Bayi is about to be 'cut' as she wants to witness it as well. I think ada about 3 or 4 nurses inside that time and everybody is talking to *Bayi as a way to calm her and eventually she is very jolly and happy that time. Babytalk gaagagagauuuagagauagaa all the time haha.
It happens so fast, with a bismillah and a snip, a little bit blood and that's it, *Bayi dah sunat! She didn't cry even a drop, in fact giggling2 lagi. I guess it wasn't painful for her, alhamdulillahh..
Dr Fidak was very kind, waiting for me to snap pic, and siap letak kat cotton ball so that I can get a clearer picture hahaha
So that's it! A very simple and happy procedure. After that we discussed about me pulak, check the womb (alhamdulillah everything is ok), did the pap smear and talk about pregnancy plan etc etc..
Oh ya, Dr Fidak said 3months is the best time to do it as the baby is not too small and not too big either. If we do it at 6months and above, their pain receptor is more developed and they will feel more pain than when they are 3months. And there is a probability for them to get traumatized, even if you open up their leg.
So how about ur little girls? Dah sunat ke? :P
* Not her real name..
Hi a&es and lil *Bayi!
tahniah *Bayi sbb dah sunat. baru betul girl camtu. hehe.
My Kaisya tak sunat lg. plan last week tp tak jadi. probably tis week bru nk g buat. mak dia ni yg terlebih takut. tp bila baca experience yu nampak mcm ok aje kan?.
The best time to do it is never, unless someone wants makes that decision for their own body. Everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether they want to be circumcised or not.
What you have done is illegal in many countries.
Ibu Alia,
Memang ok..sbb budak tu macam tak sakit langsung. And kejap pun takut2 awal tu :D
Circumcise for woman is compulsary according to Mazhab Shafie. In Malaysia we only cut the outer skin of the clitoris, not the whole clit like in Africa. It wont change the physical or the ability of the clit.
good gurl *Bayi..kalau aqil sure meraung..haha..bagusla dr fidak..tunggu u snap pic dlu..;)
Hehe aqil case lain. Baby boy mmg confirm sakit me think :P
All children have a right to make their own autonomous choice about whether to have part of their genitals cut off whether male, female or intersex.
Good for you ukhti, mashaaAllaah, it's nice to read about someone circumcising their daughter. Is it very common in Malaysia? I would like to know. Asalaamualeikum, baraakAllaahu feeki!
I feel sick knowing this type of barbarism continues to be justified. Poor, poor babies....
Salam ummsafiyah, it's very common in Malaysia as most Muslim here is practicing Shafi'e school of thought. By the way, we don't take out the whole clitoris, it's just a very small part of it.
Utterly unbelievable that this still goes on - what a disgusting, primitive, barbaric thing to do. Children are NOT your property, any more than you are the property of anyone else. As such you have no more right to painfully cut bits off them (i was nearly sick typing that) than anyone else has the right to do to you. No religion can give you this 'right' since it does not own it to give away, and any religion that CLAIMS to instantly shows itself to be completely immoral and therefore unworthy of followers.
This is a violation of the most basic of human rights and you debase both the credibility of your religion and your country by continuing to practise this. As for yourself, it's hard to blame you as you are as much a victim as your poor innocent little daughter. Get an education and dig yourself out of this despicable oppression - for the sake of your children if you can't do it for yourself.
Poor girl... I don't understand why cutting in a baby for no medical reason at all only to increase risk of infections...
About the pain, it is well known that newborns have a very well developed sense of pain and experiences of pain build up as subconscious feelings that may come back later like experiencing greater pain or more difficult to pain relief when undergoing as "simple" procedures as vaccinations or blood sampling.
Sick sick sick. But I have to wonder why so many are against this, yet circumcise their baby boys?
I could never intentionally harm a baby.
I agree elisa024 - I hate the double standard too. It's so awfully, horribly, wrong for either sex. It must also be pointed out that male circumcision in America for example is WAY more severe than the snip this woman has done to her daughter, just as it (mgm) in turn is far less severe than the female genital mutilation still practised in many parts of Africa. But being comparatively more or less severe doesn't make ANY form of it OK. I cannot believe that in 2010 we don't all agree that IT IS WRONG TO INFLICT ANY SORT OF HARM ON BABIES, The End.
What a shitty thing to do to your child. Male or female, don't cut your babies.
In the USA this is not done to girls and I think most of the people commenting just don't understand why this was done. I see the little speck on the cotton ball... and I don't understand... what did taking that tiny tiny piece off actually do? What would be the problem with leaving it there?
@Sarah It's just a religious traditional ritual, dogmatically the equivalent of a baptism or other dedication of a child to one's deity. ALL circumcision and other bodily mutilations have these superstitious roots, not just fgm outside the US. Contrary to what many Americans are now being told (by circumcision providers, incidentally), there is NO medical reason for mgm's blanket use on all baby boys, and never has been. It is deeply painful, utterly pointless and has ill effects that will last the man's whole life. Some Jewish 'brits' will now not involve removal of the foreskin but instead something more similar to the procedure on this baby girl above - it is more symbolic and involves making a little nick in the foreskin, just enough so there's some blood. That's a distinct improvement in my book but, as I said above, still doesn't make it OK.
This is part of my concern with religious mutilation - somehow we let it be, somehow we say, "well that's your religion so that's fine". I say that when your religion causes harm pain and harm to the innocents in your care then your religion MUST come under deep scrutiny and criticism.
Intact America members. You should be ashamed of yourselves for ruining these good peoples moment. Your cause spreads nothing but hate and I will make sure people see these comments so they know your true nature.
Congratulations to the parents!!
How sad :( I could not imagine mutilating a infants clitoris , religious reasons or not. Her body , Her choice.
Congratulations, you held down a helpless little girl and assaulted her genitals.
While I admit this is not as bad as what is done in the USA to little boys, there is still no good reason to do it, and it is a mutilation of a child's genitals. When I allowed my baby boy to be circumcised, I thought I was doing the right thing because of some outdated information and beliefs I had. I hope you will think and read and learn about female circumcision before you have another daughter and make a different choice next time.
'Everybody was excited' about cutting the private parts on a baby girl.
That's sick. Utterly disgusting, repulsive, and barbaric.
And I don't believe for one second that she didn't cry or at least go into a state of shock. That's a lie many victimizers of babies who have been cut love to say so as to make what they're doing seem less evil.
Using religious reasons to deliberately harm a helpless child, to stand there in excitement as you watch your own baby be sabotaged... It makes me sick. Whatever your excuse, its barbaric. Congratulations on allowing a part of your child to be cut off.
Twisted! How can you talk about it being a safe and happy procedure? Do you not believe that Allah made your baby girl already perfect? Do you really think that Allah made a mistake???????
How can you mutilate an otherwise healthy baby girl, "fix her" to conform to some cleric's advice?
C'mon Enith Hernandez, which one of these is you? Intact America needs to be stopped now!
Happy joy to the proud parents!!
Stop Intact America now!!!!!!!
I am an American and I am against circumcision. I am also against the cruelty and arrogance that is demonstrated here against this mother. The circumcision is OVER. While it is sad for those of us who are hoping to change this attitude in the world, sisters, women, this is NOT the way to go about it! Berating a mother is low and will reap NO reward for your effort.
How about some cultural sensitivity? How about some HUMAN sensitivity? And before you argue that the baby didn't receive it, does that excuse you from treating another human being with respect? No, it does not. If you do not like what this mother chose for her daughter, move along. It's DONE.
you are a fucking IDIOT.why wuld you put your child through such a thing.
your child should be taken away from you for abuse.thats what it is. ABUSE
I am crying reading this. Your poor poor baby. This is the worst thing I have EVER read and you do not deserve such a beautiful daughter. Evil, painful, and UNFUCKINGNECCESSARY!!!
i respect cultural traditions it is the cultural tradition in america to circumcise boys. I personally do not believe in it and all of my children are intact. I am not a member of intact america although i do support a lot of the work. I do not believe in militance of any form. respect is needed and is a simple human right. Lets not allow the gross state of civil discourse in the world today destroy all forums of conversation. I send my love to this and all families as they make the choices that are right for them. Lets show concern and we can disagree but please no bullying of any kind. The mommy mafia is not needed.
This is truly disgusting. You are SICK. Yes this is done and over sadly but that does not make it ok and this woman may have other children that she will choose to mutilate. How can you have any respect for someone who would choose to mutilate their innocent little baby?? They deserve no respect only disgust. You need mental help for defending her. You are just as guilty. This is abuse and must be stopped.
Does everyone now see why Intact America needs to be stopped? Just read the bullying comments from posters above who are insulting these parents simply because the circumcized their child. Intact America is nothing more than cowards and bullies. They are disgusting human beings.
The only "sick" thing is posters who insult the mother. You people are in-human and could use a lesson in respect. Insults only hurt your cause and I will make damn sure that these comments will be seen by my State Rep. You people who insult the mother are disgusting.
I do not circ my boys (or girl) and no im not a member of any anti circ organization...I dont agree with what this mom did AT ALL but I do wonder...why on earth? I get that its a religious symbolism type thing, a "baptism" of sorts but my goodness, I could barely even see what was taken off of the whats the point? why take a knife to a babys genitals? Im really confused as to why it was necessary at all. Arent there other ways to dedicate a baby to ones faith that dont involve knives coming in contact with their genitals?
Hahaha. "...and I will make damn sure that these comments will be seen by my State Rep". What exactly is your State rep going to do about comments on a blog? How any one can defend a person who pays to have their child sexually assaulted is beyond me. It is disgusting. I'm also confused about how Intact America is bad and "needs to be stopped". They do amazing work and one day circumcision will be a part of our shameful past. You have your head in the clouds if you think FGM or MGM is acceptable. No person has the right to decide how another person should look. There are our children, not dolls.
I am really sad for that little girl. I don't know what intact America is, but I do know that all forms of religion have shown brutality and cruelty in the name of god. I just hope we can all learn from this, and hopefully one day people would realize that if god wanted us to lose our foreskin, or clitoral hood then he would have made us w/o it. I actually think the idea of it was dereived by a preverse pedefiliac mindset. Why genitals? Why wouldn't god ask for the tip of a toe, or a finger? Why the geintals? I think man wanted this not god. My boys are not circumcised, and I am very confident god will still welcome him to heaven.
Rot in hell you sick sick individual
Poor, poor baby. This is absolutely disgusting and you should have that baby taken away from you. That is abuse and a human rights violation. You disgust me and I feel so awful for your little girl. HER BODY, HER CHOICE, NOT YOURS!!!!!
If this was done for religious purposes, then why did it happen in a doctor's office? Wouldn't there be an elaborate ceremony involved?
My goodness people, the mom made her decision, quit berating her. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sure. But yelling at the mom ain't going to change anything, it's just rude.
And on that note:
For cripes sake you guys, do we really need to be having an intact VS cut war going on here? Quit it already, you're just being idiots. YOU, the intact side, stop with the whole "barbaric" thing going on there, you guys have made your point. And YOU cut side, quit pointing at the intact side going "See! They're all disgusting humans for being mean to the mom!", wtf guys, wtf.
Sure, I am on the intact side, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna get involved and state why. "Barbaric" "babies", sorry no B's from me.
How can you STEAL this future sexual pleasure from YOUR little girl???
This makes me so sick. To celebrate the mutilation of an innocent baby. Whether male or female, this is WRONG and needs to stop. And those on here who are saying that people need to stop berating this mother and that it is over and you are anti-FGM but aren't going to say anything, SHAME ON YOU. If we don't speak up to protect babies and have their rights upheld, we don't deserve to be on this planet. Shame on any of you who know this is wrong and stick up for this sick twisted mother and her insane, abusive beliefs and actions. Shame on you all. And shame on her and her fucked up religion. No God wants babies mutilated. For any reason. What kind of a sick person thinks God would make a baby with a part that needs altered after birth? Sick, twisted, disgusting. I hope someday your baby grows up and shuns you and hates you for the disfiguring abuse you subjected her to.
No, shame on YOU. What the hell gives you the right to decide what people/religions should and shouldn't do? Hm? "insane, abusive beliefs and actions", I mean fuck, It's a snippet of skin! Go tell it somewhere OTHER the a blog if you feel so strongly about it. Because honestly, you sound like a manic that's taking everything to an extreme. Read the words that mother wrote and respond to that, NOT the tangents that swim around your head every time you read the word "circumcised", mmk?
Although i am anti circ, I do think that all this hatred towards the mother is completely wrong. She has grown up thinking this is what is the right thing to do is. She even say's that she was done herself at 40 days old. So this is what she has always grown up with. Maybe she knows no better. So instead of name calling and hatred, shouldn't you all be trying to educate her? Whats wrong with going away and finding some facts on FGM for her, instead of the pre-kindergarden name calling thats going on currently.
You are all acting like YOU are the higher person becasue of YOUR beliefs.
Give this uninformed woman some FACTS not HATE!!!
Here you go Aan. Maybe if you have another daughter, you will reconcider
ssssoooo wrong! child abuse!
This is why people in other countries don't like Americans because the start out there sentences like so "I'm an American and I think you're wrong because..."
I don't agree with female circumcisions and didn't have it performed on my daughter but this is this Ladies Blog and I'm sure she doesn't care what "y'all" think. The fact of the matter is it's done and over with now.
Get off your high horses and maybe be respectful to another persons beliefs no matter how far off they might be from your own.
Seriously? Even for religious reasons, how could you be so joyous about inflicting pain on your own child.. an innocent baby! I honestly hope that you are never blessed with another child. Another child you would mutilate and inflict injury upon. I am not a member of Intact America, but I am also not a child abuser!
Sorry bub, but Intact America members have their heads so far up their narrow minded hind-quarters. It's not against the law, it's a choice. You don't like it, that's YOUR problem.
Shame on you Intact America!! Shame on you for going out of your way to find this blog and then post your bully/hate tactics. Educate not insult, or is that too much for you simpletons to comprehend.
I am sure Georganne Chapin would be so proud of you people with your hateful remarks. This is NOT what our group represents at all. I am a member of Intact America and I am ashamed of what I have read on here. We are having a hard enough time getting people to listen to us and when I read hateful remarks like these, I feel like it is making us take 10 steps backward. I apologize and want to make it CLEAR that this is NOT what we are about.
OMG I am a muslim and neither sunni nor shia islam advocates female circumcision. even the Azhar, the major reference point for sunni islam and even wahabis (extremists) do not advocate female circumcision.
this is against the tenets of islam, please go back to the Quran as reference.
Hi all,
Thanks for the insight. I'm not going to defense myself but it's our decision.
I did what I think right (when it's wrong to you).
And yes, you can educate people but don't be rude. It's part of the education.
This is wrong to do this to any child. Every baby is born perfect and no part of it needs to be cut off.
Don't jump to the conclusion that we all American. I can guarantee that any right minded person, anywhere in the world will be disgusted by this barbaric ritual.
First off, many happy blessings to the parents!! Second, I think it's time to start an Anti-Intact America movement. If these comments above are what their group represents, they will burn out any and all support from people soon enough. Let them post their rudeness, ignorance toward others and hate. They will die out.
Asalaamualeikum sis;
You should delete the comments of these people because it is ruining a good celebration of your daughter. It's unfair of them to judge Muslims for our sunnan when they do not know what it is or how we do it or what it means.
I know nothing of FGM or MGM or even these people but I just wanted to say congratulations and Peace be with you. I really don't have a specific opinion other than the sadness and disgust I feel for intolerance in our world. We are all one kind and love is all there is. Peace, and love be yours for all your days. I am sorry you have had to read such devastating remarks on such a joyous occasion for you and your family. Bless you now and always.
I only wanted to comment on all the backlash that Intact America is getting. All this started by anonymous posters berating IA, but how can anyone blame them for these comments? OK, so they are trying to stop all forms of circumcision, but they can't be blamed for every person on the planet who doesn't like it and posted here. You pro-circ people need to get real. Your posts were ugly too!
To Anonymous (may 11, 1:20pm). How can Intact America be blamed for these comments? Go look at the Intact America Facebook page and then go read posts by members who have STATED that they have posted on this blog. No one on there condemns this kind of behavior, in fact it seems to be kind of encouraged. These people would rather post hateful messages and berate the parents instead of insightful education. Shame on Intact America for seeking out this blog and ruining a celebration with these good peoples daughter by posting ignorance and hate.
Sorry, one more. I apologize to the parents since no one else will and I wish them peace through life.
Like I stated earlier above,
I am sure Georganne Chapin would be so proud of you people with your hateful remarks. This is NOT what our group represents at all. I am a member of Intact America and I am ashamed of what I have read on here. We are having a hard enough time getting people to listen to us and when I read hateful remarks like these, I feel like it is making us take 10 steps backward. I apologize and want to make it CLEAR that this is NOT what we are about.
I am not for nor am against circumcision as to me this is really a personal matter, let it be cultural or on religious grounds. I'm sure this mommy here has her reasons, but let me share a story with you all.
I'm a 40 yo English mom and about 17 years ago had an accident that badly burnt me from hips and below. I had to go for many painful skin graft sessions and eventually recovered. However, my vagina was also badly scared and I had virtually no clitoris left. Sex was extremely painful for the first few years to come and I could never get any sensation. But like they say, the body heals and adapts, and I am happy to say that I've regained all of the sensations I've lost and lead an active sexual life with my husband again.
All the anti circ groups have been using deprived sexual pleasures as their main points, but I am living proof that this is not necessarily the case. The clit is not the only pleasure point, g-spot simulation does wonders too :)
Some has also raised that circ is very painful for the babies. Has there been any medical research to substantiate this claim? If there are, this would then be the points that should be brought across. A reference to an article of sorts will greatly open up minds.
If there are any other reasons against circ, I would surely like IA or any other outfits to share their info amiably with everyone. Love and peace!
Here's some insight for you IA members. Pro-circ's aren't making IA look bad, YOU, as members, are making IA look bad! Your comments are doing all the damamge, so thank YOU for making that possible! Keep up the great work!
Yes, I have been to the Intact America facebook page, and I don't see where anyone has admitted to posting here. I support IA, but I'm not a member of it. I doubt any member has actually posted here. It is my guess that the ones with the horribly ugly remarks are pro-circ extremists just trying to make IA look bad!
And this time, so none of you cowards will think I'm hiding behind anonymous, I will go to the extra trouble of posting my identity.
It's interesting how, to show YOUR dedication to your god, you cut up someone ELSE's genitals.
It's sort of like going and stealing a lamb from some guy down the street and sacrificing IT, instead of one of your own, because, hey, if you sacrifice one of your own, you can't eat it or enjoy its wool. And that wouldn't be very cool for you, would it?
So, how is your god going to be cool with your display of dedication to him when your forcing the sacrifice on someone else? Cut off your own damn bits if you want to show your god how committed you are. And it doesn't matter that it was already done to you when you were a helpless little infant. That wasn't your choice. So, go ahead. Show your god how committed you are. I want to see your piece of clitoris on a cottonball, damnit! Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, and your god, too, you're not a Muslim. You're just a person who tortured her baby and tried to pass that off as your ticket to heaven. Boy, is Heaven cheap. Maybe I can go kill someone can call myself a martyred saint....
By the way, if it was so painless to cut off the most nerve-packed part of the human body (and babies are more sensitive to pain, not less), then why are there no post-circumcision photos of your happy, smiling baby who just, you know, giggled off that piece of her clitoris? Maybe because she was screaming her head off and that wouldn't make for such happy memories of this permanent reduction in her ability to experience the joy of sex?
Look again. Ryan H. and Christina K.
jbakley, JLB, yes, you are a member. Nice try.
I really want to know, why do they do this to a baby girl? What benefit does it have for her? And what does she lose because of it? I'm not here to judge, I just want to understand 'why was this done'??? Please someone explain it to me.
For every U.S. citizen that this sickens... The aap is advocating for a change in the law against FGM. They want pediatricians to be able to "nick" the genitals of little girls to satisfy this bad cultural habit. Please sign Intact America's petition calling for them to retract their statement.
Please leave this to the parents. Please take your hate elsewhere. Please take your intolerance towards other cultures elsewhere. Please take this Intact America petition off of this blog.
Attention pro-circs, a website will be up soon supporting the choice of circumcision. We are sending out this statement to all blogs/websites that have anything to do with circumcisions. We are in the process of gathering 100,000signatures (that is our current goal)to send to the AAP in support of circumcisions. We do not have a name yet for our website as we are working out the legal details, but once we do, we will send out our next statement. We will also provide a link to our petition in support of circumcisions. We hope to see you there!
Attention pro-circs, a website will be up soon supporting the choice of circumcision. We are sending out this statement to all blogs/websites that have anything to do with circumcisions. We are in the process of gathering 100,000signatures (that is our current goal)to send to the AAP in support of circumcisions. We do not have a name yet for our website as we are working out the legal details, but once we do, we will send out our next statement. We will also provide a link to our petition in support of circumcisions. We hope to see you there!
watch this and all of you might understand eventually...
Tudia depa punya menyalak!!!
negara ditubuhkan dengan bangsa dan kaum dan orang yang dihalau dari negara asal... sebab depa tu corrupt!!!
tetiba mau ajaq orang lain cari hidup betul...
hak tuii la weh!
haah la, gelabah gila mat-mat and minah-minah saleh ni. like, come on la it's our religion, depa nak practice apa-apa yang bodoh practice je la!
To: Anonymous, May 13, 8:48am.
Read this and all of you might understand why Intact America members are rude and disgusting animals.
Quote taken from one of their members. "Clare Loprinzi we will keep speaking. shouting. demanding that they stop this rape of our baby boys and girls. our voices are just getting stronger." Rape? This is how their members view circumcision?
Cutting the genitals of a female under the age of 18 is illegal where I live, and with good reason. We should not alter the bodies of our children without their consent.
While we're talking about moralities here, what about ppl who smoke around children? That's also 'forcing' them to breathe in nicotin, tar and all sorts of other bad things. Is there a group that's fighting to ban ciggies or these groups (like IA) are only interested in sexual pleasures?
IA is nothing more than a pack of pedofiles. No one in their right mind who is so focused on a childs genitals can be normal. They are sick and perverted.
Aan, I have a question. In the light of all this discussion (some of it very rude), have you questioned the cutting of your daughter (or yourself) at all? What would make you question it? You say "Circumcise for woman is compulsary according to Mazhab Shafie." Do you ever question them? What would make you do so?
@Anonymous May 15: Pretty strange "pedofiles" who are focused on leaving children's genitals alone. Isn't there something strange about being focused on cutting parts off?
Hi Hugh,
I never questioned the circumcision on few points (despite of being 'compulsary')
1) It brings no harm (according to some people it can affect ur sexual drive but I don't think so as our practice is not cutting it totally, just more like a scrap of it)
2) We believe that there is a blessing in every act that God asked us to do.
In my religion's view (Islam), circumcision for boys to make sure the penis is always clean, whilst for girls is said an honor. It is normal practice to our culture and religion.
But as for my personal understanding, circumcision in Malaysia is being done the right way, maybe you can get a doctor's opinion in regards to this. No harm has been done and we still see the growth of Muslim population here :)
Hugh7, Why do you care, it's NOT your child? Leave these parents to their choice. You don't approve of the procedure, then don't have it done to your children, okay? Leave these good people alone!
To Hugh7: "Pretty strange "pedofiles" who are focused on leaving children's genitals alone. Isn't there something strange about being focused on cutting parts off?"
Hugh7: We don't run around and promote it like IA does. Big difference there. We leave it as a CHOICE, can IA? Doubtful.
Thank you Aan. I think you will find that female cutting is far from universal in Islam. It's not mentioned in the Qu'ran. I really don't understand how it can be "an honour".
@Lyn: Nobody owns children. We hold them in trust until they come of age, and we owe it to them to deliver their bodies back to them as far as possible in the original condition.
@Anonymous: [i]Whose[/i] choice? (Aan seems to think she has no choice. There's no need to promote something that is self-sustaining like that. And doesn't posting a blog about it, complete with pictures, promote it?) What's wrong with leaving it to the owner, when they are old enough to make that choice for themselves? Where's the urgency?
That's your problem Hugh, you don't understand. You certainly don't understand their culture at all.
My name is Enith Hernandez, I am from Davie, Florida. My husband, Robert, and I fully support circumcision. Peace be with the parents and congratulations!
@Anonymous: if you understand it, perhaps you can explain to me how it honours a girl to cut an integral, healthy part of her genitals off.
To all posters, please don't assume anonymous comments are the work of Intact America. If Intact America wants to comment, they will do so publicly and politely.
As for this blog and it's contents... I find it very sad, However, equally sad is the situation in the USA where boys are mutilated each and every day. Every child deserves the right to bodily integrity. I hope that one day we can live in a world where all children can all grow up intact and be granted the choice over the function and appearance of their most private area.
Concerning the statements about the nerve receptors. That is simply not true, nor scientifically supported. The nerve receptors in small babies are immature but it has been shown that this immaturity makes the sensation of pain MORE intense for young babies, not less. I just had to correct that statement because it simply isn't true.
why do I have a feeling that the famous NotStyro (google it) from Florida is the one making all those posts with and under my name...
btw, I don't live in Davie anymore LOL
Perhaps Intact America MAY comment publicly/politely but its MEMBERS do NOT! Go to Intact America's Facebook page and read all of the wonderful negative bashing comments towards people who do NOT agree with their views. Their members preach hate and intolerance toward those who do not share their views. Don't believe us? Go and read for yourself. C'mon IA members, try and defend what members post there.
Here's one comment from an IA member: "I cant understand how people allow their babies to be tortured and sexually abused by doctors!!! The pain of circumcision is similar to removing your toenail without anaesthetic.Even with anaestheic it is still very painful.I will never understand the mentality of these people"
Another one: "I'm sorry, freedom of religion ends as soon as you intend to mutilate your child's body."
One of my favorites from Tommy Baker. " I think before the AAP issued this statement, every female doctor who had a part in this recommendation should go and get their clits "nicked" first and see for themselves if its a good idea! FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!"
And here's one from Carlos: "Nice! Someone needs to defend babies against naive, ignorant, stupid, barbaric, or greedy decisions that permanently affect their bodies and sexual experiences."
So Intact America may be polite but it's members sure aren't. And that is just the TIP of the iceberg of comments toward those that do not share their views.
Hugh7, Would you truly accept it if I did explain it to you?
@Anonymous: probably not (like "Now I see why it's all right to do that"), but I might understand it a lot better. The basic premise seems to be that something about the genitals is "impure" and removed by circumcision, which I do not accept.
@Chrissy W. You have a low threshhold of impoliteness. Much of the content of those statements is factual. They were not directed at anyone in particular. If the cap fits.... (And I'm not sure what constitutes "membership" of IA. Anyone may join.) Many of those angry people are men who are mad as hell at what was done to them, and they're not going to take it any more.
To "Anonymous" who wrote the following comment:
Intact America members. You should be ashamed of yourselves for ruining these good peoples moment. Your cause spreads nothing but hate and I will make sure people see these comments so they know your true nature.
YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Saying that this procedure is a good peoples moment. Genital mutilation, whether just a bit of blood or full infibulation is immoral, and should be ILLEGAL! Anyone who supports such a procedure should be ashamed of themselves...
I don't understand why you did this?
From the way you write it, it seems normal in your culture. What is the goal? What are the desired effects?
I just can't imagine deliberately altering my child's body without her consent.
I'm sorry that people here have been harsh with you. I wonder if it's caused you to rethink this practice, if you're surprised by people's reactions, or what? I just can't imagine.
M daughter is half Nigerian and THIS would NEVER be done to her. It is barbaric and as an EDUCATED woman there must be some reason human rights organizations all over the world are trying to get this tradition banned.
i swear to God and all that i believe in that you and all who do this are emotionally disturbed in the head and are brainwashed. you are a sick psychopath.
"You should be ashamed of yourselves for ruining these good peoples moment."
Those who mutilate the genitals of children (and people who support the practice) are the ones who should be ashamed.
The clitoris is very, very important to a female: THAT is why it is cut off!!!!! Women are not supposed to feel pleasure, only servitude. THIS ATTITUDE IS PURE SLAVERY!!!! I am a white American woman - and I stand by what I just said. Anyone who stands against a female's right to have an INTACT body is WRONG and should be persecuted and prosecuted!!!
I'm not gonna comment on the circumcision, its not my place to do so.
But the washing the soiled baby in the sink in the doctors office seems...odd. It seems to me like you could spread fecal matter in a place that should be as clean as possible.
To the author of this it common for babies to be washed in sinks there, even in a doctors office? Don't you worry about spreading germs on and around the sink>
I'm sickened that this type of abuse continues. You should have your children taken away, and you should be prosecuted.
Apparently most of the people that have left comments are not religious. As a Christian I believe in circumcision for my son as that's how it is in the Bible. In my case, the Lord wants me to make sacrifices, not to indulge in all the things that I want and to endure pain. Child birth is a form of pain that God wanted me to suffer for my sins. I say shame on those that opt of that pain to take care of themselves. Drugs as strong as they use to numb contraction are horrible for a new born baby. Maybe some of you mothers that drug your children before birth should be held to the same form 'child abuse' as this family who circumcised their daughter. I may not have the same beliefs as this family, but I do respect my God.
Dear a&es,
I can see that you are a mother who loves her baby very much.
I am sorry for all the horrible things that have been said to you in response to your post.
I am an advocate for children's rights to intact genitalia but I recognize that conversations/dialogue is impossible when people start judging and worse, name-calling.
I am wondering, like others, what the reason is for the surgery. I hope you can explain it us (without feeling defensive).
From one loving mother to another. Peace.
Hi Milkshaken,
I've explained in my previous comment. Anyway, the bottom line why I did it, it's in my religion. Thanks.
My goodness!!!
I am all for keeping our children intact but to say that a mother should have her child taken away for choosing to circumcise her child is wrong! I am not at all happy that I was misled and had my first son circumcised. It didn't make me a bad mother.. it made me an ill informed young mother trying to do my best. I knew it was painful and hated that it was being done but NO ONE TOLD ME I HAD A CHOICE!!! Perhaps this mother doesn't realize that there is a choice to the matter. It is simply *what is done*. If it is part of this mother's "religion" then she may feel that she has NO choice but to do it no matter how she personally feels about it.
I now have two sons who are intact and any future children will remain intact as well. This is called learning from my mistakes and gathering knowledge. Someone TOLD ME I HAD A CHOICE. It seems that this mother has a choice to do it or leave her religion... or perhaps if she leaves her child intact the views of her religion are that her child will go to hell (or not go to heaven or whatever her religion believes). Threats of removing children from the home should not be taken so lightly or thrown around so calmly. Children should not be removed from their mother and father.. their FAMILY... because of a belief. You all do realize that the same thing is being said for people that practice "extended" breastfeeding AND co-sleeping... right??? A decision made based on a cultural, religious or "it's what we do" belief is being touted as grounds for removal of children. This is not a statement/threat that should be used as lightly and as "blanket" as it is being used here. The comments made against this mother are appalling. I do not agree with what she has said or done but I also don't agree with the malicious attacks that are so very very harsh!
To anonymous from 7/21/10 ...
"As a Christian I believe in circumcision for my son as that's how it is in the Bible. In my case, the Lord wants me to make sacrifices, not to indulge in all the things that I want and to endure pain." - please go back and read your Bible, especially the New Testament that is so important to Christians. No where in the NT does it say you have to circumcise your children, nor does it say it's anything Jesus wants you to do.
Refer to this website if you don't have time to read the Bible:
Circumcise your kid or don't, I don't really care, but I am sick of hearing Christians say they do it because their Lord tells them to. Find a reason to justify your actions other than that because CHRISTIANS are NOT supposed to circumcise!
ya since jesus died on the cross people who belive that dont need to circumcise because jesus took care of all your sins. notice how christians dont sacrafice animals anymore either
im pretty sure just like the niqab, cutting genitals is more of a culture thing than religious but i guess people dont read religious text anymore because no one seems to know what it really says. they just do what their cousins bestfriend grandma said it was okay to do. i hope in the future all genital mutilation is just a bad chapter in our history books
I am from Bangladesh, Here above 90% people are Muslims. Most of the people don't know even never heard about FGM. How could be it is religious matter? I don't know! I think it is a cultural ritual of some obsolescent family.
Al-Azhar Supreme Council of Islamic Research, the highest religious authority in Egypt, issued a statement saying Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C) has no basis in core Islamic law or any of its partial provisions and that it is harmful and should not be practiced.
There. Now I hope this baby will be the last one to endure this.
God bless.
Hahahaha! What amazed me is how all these visitors who were graciously welcomed into this mother's personal blog chose to insult her and threw accusing words. They were jumping about as if their bums were on fire, barking like dogs. I believe that many of the 'anonymous' are the same person/group. Chill and take a moment, will you? You don't go into someone's home and insult your host.
Kudos to the blog owner for not reacting or going down to their level!!!
My goodness, can't beleive that you would choose to celebrate the genital mutilation of your child. Even if it is a teensy little snip, it is so wrong!
I'm also horrified to know that it is Tropicana Medical Centre which is condoning this practice.
Looks like such people think that GOD had wronged in HIS creation and that you people are setting it right. Whoever practices FGM or MGM are only fools not truly knowing their religious practice but just follow the belief of their generation.
I'm Canadian and I wish you would all wake up and see how horrible this is for your daughters and you. Tradition and religion are no reasons to harm innocent children. Girls and boys are gifts from God to be protected from harm, not brought to the first person with a knife in their hands.
The parents job is to protect their child. To prepare them for a full life of love and happiness as God made them, as Nature made them. They come out perfect as they are and are supposed to grow up that way.
Please stop the pain and suffering. End this madness, for only the crazy would continue, driven by the devil's knife.
I wanted to add one comment - many posters have said that it's just a "snip" or "small piece" of skin. That is only because it's on a baby. The piece WOULD be much larger - it represents the clitoral hood which is likened to the entire male foreskin (also referred to as a "little snip" but WOULD be the size of a 3 X 5 inch card as an adult!!!). It's tasks (the foreskin and hood) extend beyond sexual pleasure to immune function, protection, moisture, maintenance, and more. All genital mutilation is a thing of the past - no religion condones this any more and it's like cutting off an eyelid! I doubt anyone would do that to their newborn, commanded or not. Thank you.
Sick and barbaric! Poor little girl being born in a country that doesn't protect every person's right to genital integrity and in a family ruled by ignorance.
This is absolutely disgusting. Why would you ever cut anything off of your baby? Baby's are born perfect, exactly how God and nature intended them to be. No reason to mutilate and torture an innocent child.
It's funny to see so many people outraged at this when the majority of them would probably have had no problem with the mother aborting this child for whatever reason.
Killing a non-sapient human before it's born if it would inconvenience you is okey dokey in America, but you better not snip a non-sapient human's genitals after it's born or they get frothing mad.
I wonder if they would object to circumcisions on fetuses if it were possible.
Wow that poor baby girl :/ nothing justifies what you did, you are a mutilator, a despicable mutilator. Your child isn't hole anymore and it's all your fault. If she wasn't meant to have a whole clitoris then why did god create her that way??? Religion is no excuse for what you did. Well Karma Karma Karma is all i can say
sorry *whole*
"As a Christian I believe in circumcision for my son as that's how it is in the Bible. In my case, the Lord wants me to make sacrifices"
Christians aren't supposed to circumcise, so your point is moot.
At any rate, religion is not a legitimate excuse for mutilating the genitals of a non-consenting human being.
We are born as we should be.
Dear Mama, I am sorry for all the filth that has been spewed your way and I hope that you don't use it to generalize every one who might share similar beliefs as those who were so awful.
I am a Christian, I am an American living in Canada. I am also from a culture where circumcision is very important. As a mom I was gathering information so that I would be ready for my son to be circumcised. I wanted to know how it was done, and what was being cut off, and why. Every good mother finds these things out right?
Well, having no religious requirement, and finding out that it is not medically necessary, we didn't do it.
So, my question to you would be, if it wasn't needed medically, or religiously, would you still sunnat your daughter for your culture?
Im muslim, and I have asked other muslims about this. We all agree it is SICK and NOT REQUIRED FOR MUSLIMS! It does not say to circumsize in the Quran. It is barbaric and disgusting that anyone would remove a piece of their child "just cause". If you truely believe in Allah then why would you take it upon yourself to remove a piece of what he perfectly created? You are a hypocrite.
No wonder your child doesn't want you to hold her!
I'm obviously against this little girl's circumcision. But I wonder how many outraged parents on this page circumcised their boys... Qur'an quotes
Malaysian AIDS Council vice-president Datuk Zaman Khan announced that than 70% of the 87,710 HIV/AIDS sufferers in the country are Muslims (in other words CIRCUMCISED).
The Muslim, circumcised population accounts for 70% of the incidence of HIV, but only 60% of the population, which would mean that the circumcised population is getting HIV at a much higher rate than the non-circumcised population. PAIN: 3,928 island villagers males&females all ages forced circ'd into Islam by Muslim clerics
(Muslim) Turkish men eat boy's foreskin
South African Medical Association's Human Rights, Law & Ethics Committee stated that it was unethical and illegal to perform circumcision on infant boys. The Committee expressed serious concern not enough scientifically-based evidence was available to confirm circumcisions prevented HIV contraction and the public at large was influenced by incorrect and misrepresented information.
James Prescott "The Origins of Human Love and Violence"
Simply sick.
Intact America is not a membership organization; it has no members. It does have tens of thousands of supporters who believe in its goals of protecting all children from harm.
Forcibly cutting the genitals of defenseless children is unethical and abhorent. Promoters of this human rights violation can be seen generating a smokescreen of reasons to rationalize their deeds. Regardless of their prurient motives or good intentions, the result is always the same: a traumatized child that will grow up with permanently altered sexuality.
i certainly don't think this is the right thing to do, cutting/slitting the genitals. Think of the implications it may cause to the baby girl in future. UNICEF certainly has named a few and in my medical perspective, the slitting of the clitoris may cause scarring and one of the possible complications is painful sexual intercourse (clitorodynia and vulvar vestibulitis). How is this good in promoting fertility or facilitating childbirth?
UNICEF is promoting male circumcision
"against AIDS in Africa" and on
the other hand mark this more mild
form of female circumcision than
is done to boys as "Female Genital Mutilation".
Thats very crazy and shows the
double standard.
Female genital mutilation is not about facilitating childbirth or anything like that at all, the point of it is so that women will fell no sexual desire so they won't commit adultery, but will instead be subservient slaves to their husbands, just how some of these Muslim countries want them!
Poor girl. I am so sorry for her. You people who did this to her would end up in prison in any civilized country, and rightly so. She's not your property!
Fucking Muslims. A plague on you.
Animal! Where is your brain? This is so stupid...
As a Canadian physician, here's a fact:
The female genitalia (clitoris) contains TWICE as much neurosensory receptors as the male counterpart (glans penis).
Whatever small snip of clitoris you just cut off is AT LEAST 1/10th of the average size of a newborn's clitoris. Considering that it's usually the tip of the clitoris that's being cut, this is also the most sensitive area containing very dense nerve fiber endings.
Do the math. I'm estimating that AT LEAST more than half of this baby's sexual stimulation is reduced.
Now in North America, I don't know of any study that will give real figures. Why? because IT IS UNETHICAL! There was one poster who asked for scientific evidence for the degree of post-op pain as experienced by the baby. Let me say this again, there would be no such studies performed in the Western countries, because it is deemed UNETHICAL +/- ILLEGAL!
Btw, there is no scientific proof for the G-spot either. However, dense nerve fiber endings do exist on the clitoris. So it would be only anecdotal to say that "oh, well the baby still has it's G-spot for pleasure sensation." There is no way that the G-spot can compensate for the clitoral stimulation.
Now, for my personal view of your case. I believe you have caused great suffering to your child. No matter which way I look at the situation, all babies are born perfect (as one poster has said ever so kindly), even the ones with medical health problems.
I hope that from my medical professional background, you and other parents will consider my comments seriously.
May God bless your child.
This is one of the reasons, why Africa is continent with the lowest IQ. Living in rockage, total retarded...
You are sick and cruel! I respect every culture has it´s own traditions, but isn´t it time to ask whether they are right or wrong? This serves just to make men happy and women tortured. If man cannot make his woman happy, she doesn´t find aneyone else just because she feels nothing having sex, or even pain.
Poor girl will suffer whole life just because mother is primitive.
In the holy Koran it quotes Satan saying, I will command them to destroy god's perfect creation and they will do it.
All forms of mutilation and cosmetic surgery are haram. Most right minded people do accept surgery for life saving and medically necessary procedures. Khafad Khitan and sunat are not medically beneficial, and they are not required according to any religion in fact are fobidden. The hadith and the mythology in all religions are people's words not the holy books.
If you come to Europe at any time in your life, and anyone here informs the police, it is a sentance of 15 years in prison for any one who does gential mutilation of girls or is a person who takes a girl to a place where it is done by others, or allows access of circumciser to the baby.
As Malaysia is trying to expand global business once this is out, most will boycott Malaysia as they are starting to do with Indonesia where they do this too. Also it is done by supposed medical staff in Indonesia. Anyone who harms children is not a doctor or nurse.
Please learn about this so as you can inform other parents about the truth. The Khitan and khafad of girls brings shame upon islam.
Meanwhile anyone who I come into contact with that appears anywhere in Europe with a mutilated girl, I will report, it is my duty. Any person who has had any connection with khfad khitan of girls will never be allowed to touch or be alone with any of my children.
I hope one day that people will agree that would should protect children from all harm and evil.
It's not really cutting the whole thing you know. It barely leaves a scar or anything. It's just like a scratch that you get every now and then. Except that it's on the V area, that's all. Trust me, it doesn't make any changes because in doesn't involved any mutilation at all.
People who cut babies are disgusting and should be put in jail.
Um guys it's been over a year since this happened, so stop trying to make the mom feel bad. Have you ever thought she is doing this because of her religion or something else? And don't give me any "It doesn't give you any right" bullcrap. Does baptism give you the right to dump your child backwards in some water called holy water. No, They could drown, Like I almost did. So what's done is done. It's not like it killed her or anything. And if it was abuse, I'm pretty sure a doctor wouldn't do it then cause he would go to jail not the mother. So don't bitch and nag on a women who already did circumcision on their child, go bitch and nag to an expecting mother and try to convince her. America Intact FTW but please respect other countries. You got beef with what I said message me at and we can settle it.
Cutting is cutting,therefor haram, small amount or not does not matter.
Anonymous, if you think it is so ok to cut a little why are you anonymous? If it is so little why bother to do it, with all the risk of infertility for the little girl in later life.
Accepted it is a year ago, but if it is not important why are you reading this now?
The main point is maybe this lady can help others to understand there is a massive risk when doing this, also others will not have a clean pair of hospital scissors. Also doing this is infact haram, forbidden therefore a sin in her religion.
Maybe this lady could help to stop evil lies from the Ulooms in future.
I wish the baby all the best of luck in the future, hopefully she will understand this is something that is not part of religion and it is harmful and potentially worse in every occurance.
And I agree americans pot calling the kettle black, sort out your own abusive society US.
You have no right.
You have NO RIGHT.
Hi Aan,
I think it would help if you could reference where in the qu'ran it says to circumcise your daughter. Is this really what the prophet Mohammed suggested or was it invented by someone else and proclaimed to be Islamic practice?
Please advise so we can understand better
Another Mother
Just so you all know, right or wrong - there's a Fatwa for this in Malaysia and it's compulsory (wajib) for Muslim women to be circumcised:
Whether you agree to it or not is another matter.
This is SO WRONG! I dont care if you had it done to you or not! It is not your body to decide suck choices as this! it IS illegal in most parts of the world, and I cant stand the thought of it! I have left my son whole, and will NEVER even THINK about circumcising any of my children, that is THEIR choice it it THEIR body not yours!!!
mmh...most of this angry hate comment are from american(i asume) nothing suprising about that..ok let face it...this is a tradition and also a religios factor for most malaysian..some of you try to discuss it in a religious point of view that are against female circumcition..saying Islam dont allow this..blah..blah..blah..well in Malaysia they have thier own point of view on dont need to tell them what is right for them..honestly malaysian are one of the most moderate muslim..moderate in the malaysian term mean proggress yet still stick to tradition..obviously malaysian are more opened compared to those iranian or saudis..and for those who dont give shit about religion...well get over it..the baby will survive like the other malaysian girl including those educated one...many malaysian girl are a successful entrepenuer...even the central bank boss here in malysia are a women so is the securities commision involvement in the work force situation like this dont usually happen in other country be it muslim or none muslim..this girl survive..healthy, bright and succesful..let them be..dont put your judgement when on people from other cultures..seriously this practice still goes on and will's like when people hate the jap for hunting whales..when it's traditon for them..or even when spanish/mexican matador fighting a bull..also a traditon for them..this is a malay with it..becuz they do..if you dont like it tell your president to bomb malaysia..because that's what's american are good at the most..killing other people who dont share thier view and way of life.
How can you justify hurting an innocent child's genitals? Taking away someone's ability to enjoy sex just so they will be subservient to men? Really? That's alright with you? You are sick, sick people!
You know where the Crusades went wrong? They didn't kill every last one of you sick fucks! Without all of you fucking rag-head bastards this world would be at PEACE! Every war on this planet that is currently being fought is being fought in the name of allah! And no, I didn't capitalize it-- ON PURPOSE.
Does it feel good to know that your religion is based in nothing but hatred, and that YOU had your daughter's most precious and personal organ butchered for that fucking pig, allah? How many more children will you have butchered in the same manner, for the same idiotic reason? ALL RELIGION IS WRONG, ISLAM IS JUST MORE WRONG!
I wonder how many women flipping out over this had their own sons circumcised and think nothing of it. I am against circumcising any child of either sex, but what was done here was removing a later of skin from the clitoris, not the clitoris itself.
As for that comment on February 11, 2012, what in the hell is wrong with you? Please get off the internet and never return. You're just too stupid to be on it unsupervised.
Did the Canadian doctor up there take into consideration that the penis with the foreskin intact has a similar amount of nerve endings as an intact clitoris? I've noticed when doctors claim the clitoris has more nerve endings than the penis, they never take into account that a penis is supposed to have a foreskin. You can't really gloat how advanced your country is because it banned all forms of female circumcision when male is still legal. It's just hypocritical. In reality, we are no better than the countries that still cut girls.
It would be nice if we could stop cutting up the genitals of any child, male or female.
Why stop there? Why not cut off her fingers? or gouge her eyes out?
Disgusting how you can put humour into CUTTING OFF A PART OF YOUR BABY'S BODY.
Use those brains for a sec. You think your God really approves of your mutilating your child?
But Why????
What justifies this act?
Surely if you believe God put the whole clitoris (or penis for that matter) there, he didn't intend for it to need trimming?
I just don't get it. Really, I don't.
Hello. I am so angry at those who condemned this clitoral hood snipping. These people think they are 100% right about things they THOUGHT they understood. Scientific knowledge is only 0.000000000000001% of God's knowledge. So what if the Muslims choose to submit to the will of God? People nowadays even think GOD is an imaginary entity. Circumcisions in Malaysia are NOT MUTILATION. IT IS ONLY THE REMOVAL OF THE PREPUCE/FORESKIN OF THE PENIS/CLITORAL SKIN. SKIN!-GET THAT. Under medical view, it is to prevent the formation of smegma, hence the cleanliness. Under Islamic view, it is to give better access for water to reach and clean the corners and recesses of the SKIN which is important to be clean before they could perform prayers. Not to mention the spiritual purpose whom you people could not understand! Oh yeah, we Muslims are clean freak right? Cuz we even clean our bottom with water after pissing and pooping, not adapting to others' view of TOILET PAPERS. We even clean our body's extremities 5 times a day! *GASP LOUDLY*...we are freaks! Wait, I thought Jesus taught you people to NOT JUDGING OTHERS? Oh, I people think prophets are mythological beings! Oh, mistake!
We've all been duped - Jews, Christians and Muslims. Circumcision hurts children and the adults they become and God has no interest in hurting children. I suspect that you too don't want to hurt children, but someone told you that God likes to have children's genitals cut. Somewhere, sometime, someone, long ago and far away decided that hurting children was an interesting or personally rewarding thing to do... and so they blamed their urge to harm children's sexual organs on God, realizing that if they told us that God required it, no one would be able to refuse.
They used to circumcise little girls in the USA. And I have written a book about it. I am very aware of how painful cutting genitals is and how very painful it is to live life with that alteration. I thought I was normal but I never could understand why women thought and felt the way they did. I identified more with the way men thought and felt. When I finally realized I'd been circumcised, I realized that it is not 'natural masculinity' we see in America - it is 'traumatized person'. Many men have PTSD due to circumcision. What do people with PTSD do? They exhibit symptoms of fear; they either cower and hide or they posture and behave in an angry and aggressive manner.
There are only three cultures that circumcise their young and they are the three Abrahamic traditions. The world will be a much kinder, gentler, sweeter, healthier, happier place when we stop hurting our children unnecessarily. Scour your scriptures. Do they really command, demand that you hurt your children in this way? No, they don't. The original history of the Jewish people - The Book of J - does not contain a circumcision covenant. God has no interest in cutting the genitals of your children.
Is it really 'cleaner' to cut genital tissue than to wash it? No, it isn't. Would you feel safe if someone was to hold you down and cut your genitals? No, you wouldn't. Would you trust that person? No, you wouldn't. Please don't just follow the crowd. Your children deserve to have their private parts kept private and they deserve your loving protection. Please do whatever it takes to keep your children safe from the hands and knives of adults who take great satisfaction in handling and cutting children's private parts.
That is disgusting. You should be ashamed. And then you have the nerve to be "proud" of what you did to innocent baby? Im glad that's illegal in so many countries. What you did is child abuse. You don't deserve to have a child. That procedure should be a choice by the owner of the body male or female.
I do not have any children but where I'm from the girls are not normal circumsize. There isn't a reason to be. I don't even know what a females private would look like being circumsized. But anyways. Its nobodies business what a parent does to their child when it comes to medical. How do you know people in her country may suffer from infection or something and doing this helps them when they are older to keep it properly clean. I know men who are not circumsized suffer as children and as adults. And some don't have any infections, and others don't get infections till they hit their 60s. Most men are circumsized as newborns which is good because the nerves have not developed and they won't lose any feeling from not having fore skin. And I've been told by men who had it done in their adult ages that it hurt when getting it done but not having infections anymore was worth it and they said sex was so much better for them, they feel more and no more hurting if the skin gets pulled back cus the skin is gone
"Its nobodies business what a parent does to their child when it comes to medical."
We protect children from harm - even from their parents. Parents are not allowed to deny their children necessary medical care (even if their religion demands it) - and the reverse should also be the case.
"How do you know people in her country may suffer from infection or something and doing this helps them when they are older to keep it properly clean."
Because nobody has ever presented the tiniest grain of evidence for such a (ridiculous) claim.
"I know men who are not circumsized suffer as children and as adults." Then you know wrong. Most men in the world are not circumcised and never have any problems.
I have many friends who are from Malaysia and Indonesia. All have been circumcized; all feel victimized over having had this procedure performed on their sexual organ before they were old enough to consent to it. All have sought refuge in Canada, Europe and the U.S. to avoid further subjection to the domination of their families, communities and clergy, because of their gender. All are still faithful Muslims WHO ALSO think that female circumcision is a criminal act, because there is not a single word in their holy scripture which dictates Sunat. It is only the word of the clergy that commands this. To cut, or remove the clitoral prepuce or foreskin, you are exposing a sensitive (nerve-filled) organ, leading to irritation and pain in everyday life and especially during sex. You are increasing the likelihood of infection (not preventing), and you have taught your baby an important lesson very early in her life: you cannot be trusted not to harm her. If you want to keep the Sunat in your culture, that's fine. Your culture and your religion deserve the same respect as any other. However, the child should be of a legal age to commit to her own Sunat, as a rite of passage perhaps, and never before that age.
"Stop Intact America now!!!!!!!"
Violence begatting violence. This is how you react to anyone who questions or criticizes the dogma of your clerics. So your home, America, is the problem? Your home, Europe, is the problem? Your home in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and beyond is also the problem?? Keep exclaiming that everyone but you must be stopped. Sooner or later, you will be turning on one another.
I'm sorry that I cannot share in the happiness these parents feel for what they have done to their daughter. I really am. There is no basis in science or health for what you do to your infants. Only harm.
How disgusting. People like you should not be able to have children. I don't even care how horrible that sounds, that is exactly how horrible this entire post was. I hope one day everything you've done catches up with you.
Maybe you think it's ok, but sorry, this is sick behavior. Would've you cut the penis of your new born boy? It's the same for your little girl, how could you? 'cause your mom did it to you?
Sick people...
Where in the Quran does it say to circumise your little girls? wake up Muslims in Malaysia!! This is a cultural thing that's been done in Africa and elsewhere..yes it is a lot worse there. yes they only snip a bit of the clitoris here..but why do it?!! This is insane.
Circumcising girls is a good thing and it brings benefits to them so stop whining about it people. if you don't like it then don't read it. this is not American culture. you people are disgusting to try to change every culture as u want.
what the fuck.
youre sick in the head and shame on you.
this should never happen to a sweet little innocent girl.
goddamn monster!
assalam alaikum sis!
Firstly, to the sister of this blog:
I'm not a shafi'i, but I do believe that there are ahadeeth that clearly show that female circumcision is encouraged (though not mandatory as it is in men). Regardless, I'm very proud of you for following this practice.
Don't let these other peoples' comments get you down in the least. You did this for Allaah, not for them. And Allaah = Creator & perfect. They = created & imperfect.
Secondly, @all you Muslims condemning circumcision (whether it be male or female):
Fear Allaah and think about whether you truly believe the Prophet's words regarding the deen to be infallibe or not. Because if you don't, then that takes you out of Islaam. You know what else takes you out of Islaam? Criticizing any aspect of it or mocking it. It's like acting like shaytaan when he refused to listen to Allaah.....saying that he's superior to Adam alayhis salaam. As if he knew more than Allaah.
And lastly @ all you non-Muslims against circumcision:
a.) Back off. You're not going to change our religious beliefs, so all you're doing is attacking people in other countries for not believing the same as you. Egocentric, much?
b.) The encouraged (or, as in the view of the owner of this blog, mandatory) practice of female circumcision is comparable to the removal of the foreskin of the male's penis (obviously in male circumcision).
Anything that is more than that is exactly against Islaam (since the Prophet Muhammad said not to cut too much as that is better for the woman and for her husband).
This does not hurt sexual experiences, just as male circumcision doesn't.
c.) If you still can't grasp it, then to us be our religion and to you, yours (whatever it may be). We believe that the purpose of this life is to worship Allaah. Maybe your purpose in life is to live for this world, but that's not ours.
"The ... practice of female circumcision is comparable to the removal of the foreskin of the male's penis..."
Please come and say this on the many blogs where all female genital cutting is condemned. We keep saying they are comparable, and are shouted down by those who say they are "completely different".
"This does not hurt sexual experiences, just as male circumcision doesn't."
Except that male circumcision does hurt sexual experience. Circumcised men don't know that, because they've never known anything else, but it's perfectly obvious that it must do, to anyone who still has all his - or her - genitals.
Religion does not overrule human rights. My freedom to practise my religion ends where your body begins. And children are not property, but human beings with human rights.
I have no problem if someone cuts his own genital (or let cut by his own decision).
Doing this to a baby/child is abuse of the highest degree. Switch on your brain!
That's so disgusting, shame on you!
"this should never happen to a sweet little innocent girl.
This should never happen to anyone without their consent. Yet it is done to baby boys on a daily basis, even in so-called 'civilized' countries.
The things people do to the healthy bodies of children in the name of 'culture' or 'religion' or 'beliefs' or 'medical benefit' is truly sickening.
Female circumcision is a good thing and every woman must get circumcised in order for a healhty life. I believe it should be a mandate for every infant girl. uncut vaginas are gross. yekk >.<
my wife is circumcised and I like it very much thanks gosh :)
I understand that the reason it's done to baby boys is for health reasons...see this article.
The ONLY reason it's done on women is to reduce the pleasure from sex. Oh, and to follow some stupid outdated religion that wants women to stay in the dark ages.
This is wrong. Sure, you did it when she was a baby, but WHY? What purpose does it serve? It's CRUEL. Your daughter should live a life where she can enjoy every aspect of it...including SEX.
Looks like some people are posting here without reading even the one post directly above.
As a victim of male genital mutilation in the United States, I am happy that this is illegal in the US and waiting for the day when male genital mutilation is illegal as well!
Your religeon ENDS where another persons body BEGINS!!!
This story made me sick and livid... I can not wait for the day both MGM and FGM is illegal everywhere in the world... Why parent chose to inflict this pain and abuse on their children baffles me... Why can't we just love our kids the way they are born?... This is a DISGUSTING practice and all who do it should be punished accordingly.... HIS/HER body, HIS/HER choice!
hi I am a doctor who advocates for the genital integrity I understand it's a part of your culture and religion. but still when it comes to rights of human beings that's where your culture should not cross the line. in Eastern Asia ,Philippines(boys are circumcised),Malaysia (boys and girls), Indonesia(boys are girls) are quite notorious for circumcising. I think it's wrong because people should be given a choice to make their own decisions when it comes to a surgery likes this which is irreversible in later of the life. but anyway female circumcision has advantages according to recent researches
"Stallings et al. (2005) reported that, in Tanzanian women,
the risk of HIV among women who had undergone FGC
was roughly half that of women who had not; the association
remained significant after adjusting for region, household
wealth, age, lifetime partners, union status, and recent ulcer."
Kanki et al. reported that, in Senegalese prostitutes,
women who had undergone FGC had a significantly
decreased risk of HIV-2 infection when compared to
those who had not.
Kanki P, M'Boup S, Marlink R, et al. "Prevalence and risk
determinants of human immunodeficiency virus type 2
(HIV-2) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1
(HIV-1) in west African female prostitutes".
Am. J. Epidemiol. 136 (7): 895-907. PMID
It helps to reduce the HIV contracting risk upto 50%
so it's not really bad as some people have stated but still let them to decide to make their own choice when they are capable to make rational decisions:)
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